Saturday, December 06, 2014

Friday, December 5: Its Wet and I See Friends

On the 48 to Work
Hello campers of the fortune. Today I woke up feeling a lot less groggy. I'm also feeling the throat thing warning
The View This Morning
me of a possible full-blown cold. Sharon's meeting a guy at the bar and I am going to go home
Getting Lunchtime Snacks
At TD Bank 4 Finances
 and then try to get comfy and lie down. Why did get comfy and took a nice two hour nap. Madeline came over and we decided to scrap the idea of going out to Newtown Square to see a band
at some bar. We decided we just go to
Going Home to Rest
the bishops call her and get some sandwiches. We stayed there till about 11:10pm
Madeline and Sharon
We ended up going back to My Pl., Sharon for a bit. And then I went to     bed. Overall I hung
in there and got some stuff done at work. This was because I had planned the day off and had some free
At Home
time to try to catch up on stuff. But there so many clients that I couldn't catch a mall but I did alright. Tomorrow supposed to rain all day. It was a decent day and so far I have kept the cold at bay. Its a day at a time thing that's for sure. It's STILL hard to believe that that cop that was VIDEOTAPED choking that black dude got off scott-free! It never fails! As Jon Stewart stated this week, procicuters and police have a special bond and are on the same side. This is why cops generally get off for abuse of power and EVEN killing unarmed folks. Well, Most of the time its blacks!

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