Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Tuesday, February 27: Mild Buzy Day

This morning I woke up and I was pretty tired but I got going and 

almost forgot to bring my choir folder. What I ended up doing however, is bringing my dirty

clothes with me.  So when I got the Mike’s, I decided hell yeah I’m just gonna wash

 my clothes at Mike’s, so at least the clothing will be lighter, anyhow like I talked a little bit and then I had to 

go to the dentist at 10 AM to work on my stupid lower partial which

 been really hurting. I made it to the dentist and he did a nice job and told me to rinse out with salt, warm salt water and not wear my partial for a while so the irritation will go away. I then

 walked back to good karma café, and I got my usual, half-and-half, and  The guy said four $74.70 or $4.25 well that previous order was $2.70. They said they had a new all nondairy went up $.85. I’m

like well that’s more than $.85 so I just got regular whole milk with my coffee I wasn’t gonna pay 40% more for the same damn thing , but the 

official line is they raise the price of all nondairy $.85. There’s some still goddamn price gouging going on. Anyhow, I got back to Mike’s picked up an order for him at the door and 

took a nap. I then went to my appointment and we discussed my religious retreat experience a.k.a. my snapping experience. That was like trying to uproot a fall in tree stump. It was something

 that was for sure I really back both memories pretty pretty good. I decided I wanted to go to Yoga is all charged up and decided I go to Chris’s class in the last minute

. That class was hot and that class was full. There is a good class very intense very hot but I feel good afterwards one thing I can say is that I’m glad I did it. Anyway, I had 
to get dressed, but it took a little longer cause I had to try to sweat myself quickly and you can’t rush sweating. I got to the choir practice on time and it was a base sectional and it was pretty 

intense. We went through the Domini. Pam composition rehearsal ended at 9 PM and I got a ride home which is really a good break for me that’s for damn sure got home. Had some leftovers and packed my trip to Florida. That’s coming up tomorrow. 

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