Saturday, February 10, 2024

Saturday, February πŸ”Ÿ: Rittenhouse Sq, Yoga & Dinner w/ Bob

Huguenots!!!This morning I got up at the Dorchester had breakfast and 

had a very chill and relaxing time. I had a funny dizziness after I drank coffee after I ate it was weird so I have to lay off the 

caffeine I think for a little while I don’t know how long but that’s what I gotta do and shit. Anyhow, I walked
by and they’re having all those Rittenhouse Square 

sales with all the white tents. I got back home and Pat stopped by and showed off his pet squirrel 🐿️. that was one hell of a well-behaved pet squirrel because squirrel just stayed on Pat

 no matter how far he walked into my place. The squirrel was started by the dog and jumped off but Pat just put out his arm and the squirrel just jumped right back on him. It was pretty

 weird, but it was interesting because I was a little afraid that squirrel would end up borrowing somewhere in this apartment.  I got really for my 4 pm yoga class. Boy that room was packed

 and HOT today. Mia taught the class and it went well except the woman who gave m a dirty look when I changed my of where I was going to set my mat. I noticed she did not seem to make 

much of an effort but that’s none of my business. I felt like I did pretty good with most of my 26 poses today. My balance was improved and I felt stronger as well. I was pretty sweaty πŸ₯΅ and took awhile

 to recover and πŸ†’ off. I lost my glasses but ended up finding them in a different compartment of my backpack!!! Bob called and we agreed to meet him in front of the studio instead of asthe Metropolitan Diner which was packed. We agreed 

to go to Khobobish in West Philly. When we got there it was pretty much full of folks it there was available tables and we each ordered
a platter. I got chicken curry πŸ›. They had Fox News of the big screen! Geez 

what trash I had to glance at! Greg Guttfeld, Laura Ingram, and the MOST 

punchable face on TV Jessie Walters. We had good conversation and 

laughed a lot as well. The food was good and filling as well. after we, we drove 

Mary back to her place and Bob and I drove back to my place. He told me 

about the way I can save money on phone bills while I’m out. 

Netherlands also told me that we were not going to be driving back up on 

Sunday so I was a little concerned so I got really lucky I found

 an Amtrak fair for six bucks from Baltimore back to Philly but I had to get to Baltimore so I got a reservation
for Uber and the price wasn’t bad so 
I took it ride for tonight at the same time and it was no more than reserved it. I also made a reservation to take Amtrak to Newark and Early so I cut the good old plan so it’s gonna be a long day on the 23rd all day traveling . Bob’s pretty smart I will definitely say again anyway it’s 1145 trying to hit the sack. 

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