Sunday, February 11, 2024

Sunday, February 11: Visiting Nadine and Mike Super Bowl

Today, Bob woke me up around 10 o’clock to get me ready and 

we made some breakfast together and stuff. We called Nadine to see if he was up for a visit and she was so we got ready to go. She didn’t have Rehab today so she was available 

so we headed up towards Tabor Road near the Roosevelt Boulevard and 

North Broad Street to get to Einstein rehab unit. Anyhow, we got there. 

We were greeted by her and she had a pretty nice set up in a room. Soon after we arrived, her boyfriend, Mike arrived, and, we all hung out and shot the shit. She told us 

somewhat of the bullshit she went through at some rehab place. She’s been
 completes the rehab, which 3 rehab places since I last saw her. Anyway, she was in good spirits. Her plan is to move back to Lewisburg once she could be 

sometime between October and December of this year.  Anyhow Bob and I decided we needed to get going so we left Nadine I sent pictures that I took to everyone. We headed

 down I 95 until we got to Delaware Maryland border where Bob got off

 just before you pay 6 bucks. He knew of a barbecue place to go to and a Wawa. 

We got there in the Wawa was close for reconstruction but we did go to the barbecue place. I got a swag T-shirt from the place that I’ll give to somebody for Christmas. Michael definitely 

get it. Anyhow, Bob picked up a bunch of nine beer and alcoholic beer and I got two Pepsi‘s for the duration. We got back and Mary sister and her boyfriend 
bought an awful pizza and a few chicken wings. So we had enough to eat. I think. Anyway, we watched the game and 
goddamn with a slow moving game. They’re both playing sloppy there was no score in the first quarter. 

The ads were very mediocre And halftime it was 10 to 3 and Kansas City was lucky. 

Only be losing by seven points. Usher was the halftime 

show. Of course he had a guest host of. I forgot who she was she’s playing piano. And then they were rolling around and rollerskates it was just boring , Mary’s sister Carolyne 

said that usher last big song was 12 years ago so he’s not exactly current some kids liked it. According to conversations I heard. Well 930 crawled along and I had to catch Uber and that’s when the game got really interesting right after I left.  Retreated field goals and Kansas City got a touchdown and they were leaving then it was 19 to 19 when it went into overtime. San Francisco was leading 1613 they had an extra  point blocked.

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