Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday February 16: Mike’s Appointment and Yoga

I woke up this morning after sleeping well but not getting quite 

enough sleep. I slept in for as long as possible without being too late to Mike’s, but I 

was late anyway. Fortunately, as they eat breakfast, 

take the dryer clothes out of the dryer and fold the clothes up. I think caught the train

 to 15th St. and I was very lucky I caught a bus right away. It’s still 

very very cold outside and then again it is February so that shit happens. 

Anyhow, Mike had an appointment, and the Medcab people picked

 us up after making us wait to the last minute as they usually do. It doesn’t play to be poor and disabled, in the United States of America.  Anyhow it’s now 12:42 PM and

 we finally just finished Michael’s doctor Schaller appointment and the blood test. We’re gonna go with the

medical transportation Medcap on the way back and you know they’re gonna be late so I’m glad I scheduled to 1245 or 12:47 PM so they’re already gonna be at least 15 minutes late because that’s how hey roll. Anyway, they did not even get to us till about 145 because the 

Medcab place didn’t contact any of the drivers so we were just sitting around picking our asses. Thank God

I was persistent and thank God the phone didn’t run out of batteries I was down to 3% battery life by the time These incompetent boobs down in Medcab that the drivers driver was really cool. 
We got home and he was a nice guy. He told us that he had been given a felony for having 16 bags of marijuana. Once went back to Mike’s I 
quickly swallowed down, lunch and caffeine and took a nap for about 30 minutes. It’s now 3:40 PM. I’m just about to sign out and start my weekend. Judge orders Trump to pay $354 million and not do business in 

New York for three years. It was about what folks expected it could’ve been worse for 
Trump but hell I’ll take it. Couldn't happen to a better asshole!! Well, I’m on the way to 4 o’clock class. Hopefully I’m not too exhausted. One to 4 o’clock class it was pretty warm but I did OK considering how tired I was. It was tall by Marie and she said I did pretty good and that was nice to hear. After that Mary and I went and got takeout dinner at the Chinese restaurant we both like. We then watched the very end of Watergate plumbers which was excellent. I really enjoyed that series. Too bad it was only five parts.

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