Monday, February 19, 2024

Monday, February 19: Milder Day

I had a dream last night that I was protecting something and I had a machine gun. It shot up all these people. I had no contacts for it was really very strange. 

I did wake up after a decent night asleep. I needed that sleep bad for sure. I got the Mike around 8:45 AM and proceeded 

a little sweeping a little blogging And relocating stuff in his apartment a little bit. I had some lunch, which was pretty 

good and discovered. I had no super coffee left at Mike’s place. Larry requested the shopping list for food. Turned out later he really didn’t want
all the gory details. He just got my basic soy milk and cereal casinos. I like that stuff so I’ll be going to his place in about 10 days from today. It’s a much milder day, but I still put on my 

super woolly sweater because I don’t like being cold. 

I’m really sick of being cold already and it’s not even March yet. anyhow, Mike and I did 

take a walk and that phone place was closed so he has no phone for another day. I don’t even know if the guy got to it. It seems like sort of a half. 

assed joint but the price was right. Anyway, we got back and then I tried working on MOHELA which is the new service or I have to see if I can get my loan 

forgiven since I work for the state for over 30 years. Couldn’t come today. I found out later cause they’re closed due to the holiday but this is gonna be a long slog. I finally decided to 

do something about since they did contact me via email. Yes I’m going to Yoga , I am kind of tired now but it’s 342 and I got to do my thing. Well, I went 
to class and it was a good class and I felt much better afterwards and I did beforehand. I waited 4 the shower and it was nice to take a nice warm shower and 

then I met Mary and went back to her place. I got drink some water, and, then I had the meeting that started
at 7:45 PM The meeting went well, and it 

was about gratitude, which is a good topic. Also officially found out that we’re moving the meeting 

from holy Trinity’s basement to the ethics Society building, which is gonna be a lot cleaner then

 I went back to Mary’s and we watched Watergate plumbers again, which was really cool. I had a nice time.

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