Sunday, June 05, 2022

Sunday, June 5: Visit Mom & a 🐮D Day

Today was one IToday was one of those days that I got up at a reasonable hour but I just couldn’t get it together. I did start thinking

 about next Saturday’s events protesting gun violence. That was jthe only accomplishment I did all morning. I then thought about visiting mom and how I could plan that. By 

looking at rental cars and Zipcar etc. I just couldn’t get it together they 
ended up just sending messages I took a bus. As exchange a lot of text 

messages etc. I went on Twitter because I was in a mood he better
 spastic mood and Twitter is a great place 

for all that bullshit. I arrived at Riddle village and sit on the bench and just enjoy the cool weather in mellow myself out. My anxiety was running high today just from the gecko. I also did something

 to my back somewhat sore. I went over with mom and we hung out at her place and then we took a walk outside. The area around there is really nice. It’s self 

contained. I knew I was really anxious because the place was like a goddamn puzzle. And I know when I pet parrot little bit over trying
 to find something I knew that from Anxiety Study. ^ it’s kind of like  Getting lost in the school cafeteria. After I saw mom I knew the bus processor 

for if getting lost in the school cafeteria. After I saw mom I knew the bus wasn’tsure for 45 minutes so sorry to walk towards 

downtown media front in middle Village. that’s a bit of a walk for sure. Fortunately was a nice day not hot and not humid. What time I got to downtown 
media there was a bus and place the trolley. SEPTA is doing all kinds of work on the trolley and they’re
 going to shut it down for the whole summer in about two weeks. Call the trolley and got home and Miller out with Pat for little bit. I 
just laid around and relaxed cut off my feet. I decided I would go to the 8 o’clock meeting since I obviously couldn’t make the 5:30 PM meeting. I feel pretty 

good sometimes and I feel really anxious sometimes. I’m trying to handle adelicate situation  and not “giving in.”  I know I was in  bad mood with everybody

 in the world has  is a happy  a couple. and they show off on social media.

 The speaker of my meeting mentioned it as well.  Anyhow enough 

of that bullshit, I’m looking forward to seeing my therapist in 

a week and a half. For the relaxing is good but I had to go to the 8 o’clock 

meeting. I brought my supercoffee that I started drinking while the media and that came 

in handy. There was that many people here it wasn’t crowded at all. I saw about four 

people I recognize from pre-pandemic days. Basically the rest of 

my life as being  pre-and post-pandemic at this point that’s what seems to be. 

Or we can say pre- $5/gallon gas & post $5/gallon gas if we want to.

people still going out getting pregnant and doing to do so the more things change

 the more things just remain the same. I think I’m gonna have Indian or pasta when I get home. To satisfy my stomach because nothing else will do 

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