Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday, June 18: Yoga, Verizon, Meeting & Just Tired

I got up around 8 AM this morning quickly any nutrition bar lemonade and packed up to go to class. I was glad to give myself plenty 
of time to get there early enough to take my time and get ready. I was very stiff this morning and off-balance but the classroom 

was not too bad . It was a 90 minute class. I got a call after class to remind me That I was supposed to meet this guy Marcus in Ardmore. So I gotta get rid of my yoga 

stuff and put my computer in my backpack instead. Well, I left for Ardmore to hit the Verizon store. Wow‘s on the bus I realized I am really tired. My energy level 
is really really low. Sound 1:15 PM and this guy that’s going to help me with the Facebook page is 15 minutes behind so just sitting 

here relaxing drinking my super coffee yeah… well I’m waiting here and now the sun is out. It’s a mix of sun and clouds. I’m hearing 

people tell their wives are at this number and I’m leaning back on my backpack taking advantage of the support it gives me because of my energy is 

so low. Well I was just reminded Alex was at a German debate contest out in Germany. So I turned it on and caught the very tail end of it. I took some screenshots

 so at least I got that done
. I’m still at Verizon because there needs to be another 

demonstration. The super coffee is helping but I’m getting 

another one I need a double dose today. I’ll have to see what happens for the rest of the day here it’s going to be an interesting one.  It’s a Saturday and it’s a nice cool day just like it was two days ago before that one day heat wave that we got. It’s now 2:08 PM in time it’s justticking ticking ticking. I tell you that class really wore me out I think it’s because I’ve been going for the all these consecutive 
days. I ended up picking up coat at the dry cleaners. I believe  Lynne left some vegetarian supercoffee they look familiar. Anyway, I got to get going and 

go to this meeting soon. I want to get there before the OCF coffeehouse closest forever and ever. I brought some of my spindrift sparkling water with real 

squeezed fruit. I like the stuff. It’s not super frizzy like a Pepsi and it’s not in the glass container like the ginger beer. Can’t bring glass containers and walk around with them it’s kind of inconvenient
Well I arrived at the OCF coffeehouse. Meant two nice ladies who are from South Carolina and they called Charleston the armpit of South Carolina. I thought that 

was pretty funny. We were marking health nice and cool it is today. While at the OCF with seven minutes left before they close everything 

down I was reading LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a place that if you want to 

learn to love your job and be gung ho like a cheerleader at a football game

 you go to LinkedIn with all the super motivated people throwing buzz words

 around it’s wonderful ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Well I witnessed

 two guys and they have to be brothers cause they have had the same really awful 

haircut like there were a mental institution or something I don’t know what but it was funny. So I got quickly booted out of the OCF coffee house a very intimidating large person told me I had to leave because they’re stacking up chairs fast and furious. It’s so goofy they’re closing two hours early they used to sucks

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