Friday, June 03, 2022

Friday June 3: Hanging in East Falls Recalling 1989 to 1993

Hi, I woke up around 9:30 AM and and I had a hard time getting out of bed because I got up really early had a really early breakfast 

and then went back to sleep. It’s kind of hard to get up and get moving. I did eventually get moving because I scheduled myself to go up 

to East Falls to visit Nadine at her place on Conrad Street. I have not seen her in a while. She’s got some major stuff going on. She brought down some shoeboxes of 

photographs taken in 1989, 1991, and 1993. pollo boy with us a trip seeing those. Few of them were pictures that I gave to her from my camera. The rest were 

hers. They were pictures from when I first met Nadine in March 1989.  There are 
 pictures of Diana John Haddad, Chris Eberharter, Greg, Carolyne when I was first married to her etc. etc. it was like we started 

wearing just left off. Period it was really fun.  We talked about the  The super storm of 1993 it was called the storm of the century. That was quickly elapsed 

by the 1996 blizzard in January 1996. We talked about that and it was unbelievable. We don’t get that kind of snow anymore thanks to climate change. .  It was 
getting late and met 6 PM and decided that it was time for me to 

go and eat and heard it take a rest. I think or a commuter train at 6:44 PM. Before then

 while waiting I went to Apollo pizza in getting a chicken cheesesteak. I’m

 really looking forward to chilling down that bad boy because I haven’t

 eaten since breakfast. Well I eventually made it home and I had my chicken 

cheesesteak which was pretty filling. I’ve been talked on the phone and did

 emails etc. I then ate some my Indian because I was still hungry and had 

a late dinner. I then mellowed out and ended up crashing on the futon and 

that was the end of my mystery tour of 1993 back to 1989. 

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