Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday June 19: Exhausted & Visiting Mom

Today was a day for the exhaust in unmotivated. I have this feeling like I just need to lie down and breathe all the time. I’m not SHORT 

 of breath it’s just the feeling of physical and mental exhaustion. Such a nice day out. I finally got motivated and I’m taking SEPTA to visit mom at 4:07 PM. Thank goodness the days are long. In the winter the 

sun would be setting right now. So I still have some of the day left to salvage. Well, I enjoyed the visit. I think I need to visit more because  SEPTA text 

me right there practically and I bet the bus runs more during the week than it does on a Sunday. It was a perfect day for a little stroll with mom. I plus I got a good picture of both of us to 

show to the family. Gives me family bonus points. I also put her took a picture 

of myself and dad cropped from the family picture that was taken before

 Michael was born. I’m guessing it was taken around 1964. I was not rocking to the Beatles that’s for sure!!🤓 anyhow I’m catch hoping to catch  bus route 111 

 back right from Granite run Mall back to Upper Darby. Then I’m gonna

 go to a zoom meeting hopefully and get some dinner. I think I’ll 

treat myself to Indian and then try to get stuff done tomorrow. 

Well cool beans the bus driver picked me up even though I wasn’t at 

the right spot. I’m the only one on the bus I get off. So I’ll get home in time. 

I attended the zoom meeting and it was OK it was about eight people there. 

Got me kind of depressed even more than I already was. There’s so much material. It’s hard to grasp 

it all at once but I get the general just I believe. I then decided I 

needed to take a bike ride I was going to go pick up some Indian but every 
street from market all the way to Walnut is being dug up and re-paved so it’s a case of no bike lanes and the rough terrain feels dangerous

So I just came straight home and ate what I already had. The day wasn’t a total loss  a total loss but it was a little bit tough. Feel 

like I have to fight for my right to just do what I need to do or what to do or feel like doing. I get tired sometimes. Today I was really tired very tired exhausted. 

I’m hoping to get my mojo that I started last week. Right now last week seems 
like an eternity ago. It’s strange.

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