Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday, August 19: Work N Taking Care of Buzness

Greetings from the land and the gear that time will forget. It’s August 2020 and stuff is starting to get real. I signed in to work after I skipped 
the meeting this morning as I was way too
 tired. I had a feeling today was a day I was gonna need that extra sleep to get me through. I think I was right on that account. 

 irst off my supervisor tried calling me and in the Skype kept hanging up

 and then I emailed back that I tried to call her and I did try to call her. It was abou

t scanning. I guess it resolved itself. I don’t really know. I didn’t

 care of a bunch of business in a  period of time. I made a doctors

 appointment for this form to be filled out for my operationI signed  up for a Covid test, reported the restaurant, and email some information about the mortgage. Anyhow it’s pretty sunny  now. Earlier it had been pouring rain. That was a real 
 surprise I didn’t know it was gonna rain. Now it’s 5:23 PM and the
sun is way out because that’s where the fun is way out. I ordered some stuff at Amazon and I think I’m gonna take a nap soon. I never did take my nap which wasn’t 

 onstitutionally a good idea. I did go on a walk in Ardmore but I was definitely 

 ragging my butt. Anyhow I am enjoying the weather on this late August time.. Yes the sun 

 s setting down quicker which is a bit of a bummer but it’s

 pretty gradual. It really gets depressing 
 hen daylight savings time end. Anyhow I weighed a big shipment of juices and cereal coming my way. The Democratic convention 
has been this week. They’ve had some pretty good speakers from Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders. it’s been done pretty well considering it’s virtual. They had no audiences and they had to be virtual. From what I hear the Republican convention is going to feature 
the St. Louis couple who enter loaded weapons at peaceful protesters and that spoiled brat from Covington high school. I’m not sure if  Diamond  & Silk are going to speak but who the hell knows that’ll be Armageddon  time this is what will happen in a bind a ministration using current footage from the protest following Floyd George Floyd‘s death. And coronavirus photos I’m sure that could be used against Biden for some freaking reason.

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