Thursday, June 06, 2019

Thursday, June 6: I Fortify Myself. I Pick up My Partial and Meeting

Well after sleep where I got up around 330 to eat cereal since 

  wanted to have breakfast over with hours beforemy yoga class was starting. I got up and realized 

I had a low-grade fever which made me extra hot while practicing yoga and 109° 

temperatures. I made it to the 90 minute class but it wasn’t easy. I then floating around and went to CVS to pick up food since I finallyhave a 

 ittle bit of cash. I took a advantage of the sales are having till June 8. I think I’ll hit the CVS in Fairmount after I go to the meeting assuming I’m not too sleepy.

 Work was OK I saw five people which is about my max for not being overworked which is good. I’ve got to write up some sanctions. I then ended work 

 nd I figured that I would go to the meeting and I would go to the CVS. I went home and  dropped off my yoga stuff and picked up another plastic bag so I don’t I can 

 ut a bunch of stuff in it.  I did take a 10 minute power nap. I looked at the bus 

 chedule and saw that there was a 49 and I get there basically on time. I’ll have to 

 ust buy one drink at Rite Aid because I’m going to skip the coffee I’m 

 efinitely copied out front by Starbucks I had this morning. I bought you a credit by copy to

 once a day instead of twice today even if I go to 2 meetings. I 

 ecided I’d go to Rite Aid and get my drink . It’s actually cheaper even if the rip off dollar $1.79 price @Rite Aid. Well trumps going to get his way on the terrace. House 

 epublicans and Senate Republicans rumble but they’re not gonna do  anything about it it’s like “Whatever You Say, Mr. President.” It goes on and on. Next the Washington 

 ost reports that Trump may force Mexico to place more resources into border 

 rotection. The negotiations are still in progress. At the Clubhouse we

 read this story. It’s called the Keys to the Kingdom. It’s a good one. I then went to

 CVS with my shopping bag and bought two boxes of cereal

 and some my juice and other stuff on sale.. Lisa had her power turned off 

 nd stayed over at Pats. And I then went to bed. She’s going to come and clean my place tomorrow morning 

 hile I’m at work. Pat made sure I had the cleaners should Gijik hidden place so that crackhead from Candy Kent don’t come in Robin’s house.

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