Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday, June 14: Late AM. Work, Sun and the Weekend

Today’s a late day.. Once upon a time state employees had off 
on this day. Those days were long gone even before I started. I got up and was sleepy so after eating breakfast and went back to sleep and I shut up at work 

about 15 minutes late. My supervisor is
 in. I did cleaned up some mass and wrote up a couple sanctions so far today. I decided to actually eat in the lunch room to catch up on yesterday’sblog 

posting.  It’s been an OK day now it is now 2:46 PM so I’m going to go back to my desk and continue my work. Practice almost 3 and I got to go because the clients here. well I got back to work and rode up to more sanctions and close another person 

 ecause they told me they just started working but really deep already been paid 

 wice so I was able just to close them. I did forget to do carfare for this

 walk in that one I saw around 2:30 PM. I just read an article in Philadelphia magazine how 

 reported tornadoes are double the normal average in Pennsylvania 

 n Philly. We did get a few tornado warnings. One touchdown in

 Mullica Hill New Jersey which is not that far from Millville. 

 here’s a video of it. It’s pretty scary. After work I decided that I would get a portable

 soymilk. Then I would go to the bank and swap money around to 

 over a check that’s floating out there for 50 bucks anyhow, I did 

 ake care of that thanks situation and then I went to the coffeeshop because 
   I figured I try my portable sewing. Turns out the portable soy was  rice milk so I said well I bought a small coffee and started working on her Sammy

 Blood Moon thing movie and that was frustrating and I kept running out of charge so I got my charge back and I’m gonna go home for dinner. Well I ate my  
eftovers from last Sunday’s trip in Baltimore. It was really good. I then watched YouTube videos next thing you know what I was really really tired so I’m calling my friend 

back I just passed out. I was really really tired but I feel OK overall.

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