Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Wednesday November 8 : Abortion Rights Win

After a really busy day running around yesterday it was nice 

to be at Mike’s and I have a really slow day. I slept well
, but didn’t get enough sleep, 

so no matter what I do after work. I’m gonna try to get home early. 

Anyhow, I got to Mike’s and he kept trying to get his Amazon to work 

with his EBT card and also with, the other delivery service but

 it was being all screwy with them so the meantime I watched a lot of 

TikTok with the results of the 2023 midterm elections. The Democratic

 governor won in Virginia. Abortion rights is codified in Ohio by 57% to 44%. Republicans

 tried to make the threshold 60 and if they did , it wouldn’t 

have passed that’s why they tried to do it. And Virginia the Democrats held one 

branch of the legislature and one back the house of delicates as 
they call it. Good day for Democrats. I love watching Republicans shit and Spin when they lose shut them up for at least a day or two.  
Anyhow, Mike and I started cleaning the place for the inspection that’s coming up. Well, I didn’t go to yoga, but I did go to Mary’s and we ordered out some delicious Chinese and it was very tasty and we sat at the table and talked and had a gay old time. It was fun. We both discovered that camera plus tried to hook hoodwinking me to use my app on a monthly payment basis or pay 50 bucks so I got camera plus original or whatever they call it so I don’t pay anything but it slightly different format. I made a complaint on the App Store thing, because it was ridiculous how they weresuddenly wanted to charge people a whole mess more money, top grade it was really sneaky 

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