Thursday, November 30, 2023

Thursday, November 30: Nice Day to Buy Sneakers & Make a claim

Today I got up after decent night sleep. I really could’ve slept another hour and a half with these and I would’ve felt like $100. Well that caused me to 

be very late today which was a shame but I’m just going to have to give up on 15 minutes
or half hour of pay because of that. I have to 

make it to 4 o’clock yoga so I can’t be super late. Anyway, I got

 to Mike’s fortune was able to catch a bus at Broad and walnut and got the Mike’s and 

electricity went out for a minute. It was out for about 10 minutes 

so it went back on and that was good. I was watching TikTok and I decided to check

 out PA unclaimed property and I actually found something 

with my name on it and my brother‘s name on it obviously I’m not gonna mess 

with my brothers stuff but I’m I made it claim for my stuff it’s under

 $100 and it’s some kind of benefit claim from health insurance, so that 

was fine. It’s now 1241. I just finished lunch and I’m getting Mike

 a sandwich. It’s much milder today. It’s very nice today. I think I might go 

get my sneakers since I can do that but I have to order them online
and I don’t know my foot size. Anyhow, they didn’t have the shoe 

in stock which is expected but I was able to order online through the store and they 

had a record of my previous order of 10 1/2 you know I’m a technically

 a 10 size foot. So it’ll come to the store which will be better. I didn’t mention 

but this morning I ran into my niece going to work, which was interesting, the chance

 of running into her again or minimal since I was pretty late and it was fun

 this year. Anyhow, Henry Kissinger died today, and lotta people are 

calling him a war criminal which could be argued. He lives to be 100 

years old. I have a feeling Trump will end up, living to hundred 

knowing with our luck. Anyway, Mom’s Meals came the last minute

 just before I left so I got that and now I’m hustling to class. what is 75 minute

 class with Kaitlyn was pretty good. The room was warm, but there was

 plenty of air. She was very supportive of some progress. I made in one

 of the poses that I did. I then went to the Dorchester
 and we ordered out Chinese which was really good. She’s feeling a lot better now. I then caught Uber to the CODA meeting was only about 

15 minutes late. Meeting was decent and I got a ride home. That was good since there was a business meeting.

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