Sunday, April 02, 2023

Sunday, April 2: Visiting Mom and Maple Acres Farm

Greetings humans. Well, I I got up around 10:15 AM this morning 

had my breakfast and started getting ready to catch the bus from Upper Darby to the Riddle village. It’s OK getting 
here but getting back towards Ardmore it’s too complicated for the bus and takes too damn long. It’s a sunny yet  a cold day outside. call seems

 right didn’t really have that great of sleep but I slept enough to feel OK. I just barely caught the 12 noon bus to take to Riddle Village around 12:45 PM. I stopped

 at the Wawa on bottom. Jepson share them with my mom when I go out there. We took a short walk and found a little area near where they walked dogs to sit on the

 bench and talked for a little bit. It was very pleasant. It was just nice to sit on a bench and look at all the greenery around. Trees are blooming very nicely, despite
the chill outside.  It’s now 2:55 PM. I just hopped on the Uber and gettingi ready to head to the house of Ardmore for my Sunday rendezvouses. Well 3:23 PM the Uber guy just dropped 

me off. I decided I would sit outside in the bench since I had a couple

 minutes to spare in update this blog posting. I already updated yesterday’s blog 

posting earlier while it’s on the bus. That’s not nice about taking public

 transit especially the bus on a Sunday it’s chill and you can do what you need

 to do unlike the L were you just have to be on alert and shit. Wes 

messed up his knee skiing in Lake Tahoe yesterday apparently has 60% load bearing on his knee so he can walk so I didn’t completely screw up his knee but he’ll probably 

need to go to some kind of rehab. I have a picture of him with Greg in, and Sarah, anyway it’s 3:31 PM time to get in here. Well after hanging out in Ardmore, 

we decide to go to Maple Acres farm. We’ve been there before she wanted
some pussy willows and we got there at 

five but we were still able to get them. There were lots of chickens, and we 

saw a couple of 🐄 and two donkeys at the farm. The donkey

 for pretty damn Cute I must say. It’s pretty chilly but it’s pretty out here and it’s so close to the sprawl of Conshohocken
& Norristown, it’s now 5:18 PM. We left and

 drove back home and talked line. It’s now 7:05 PM and going to eat some dinner and watch a newseries from Netflix called deadwood. We watched a previous 

series that was about the old west. It does make a good drop backdrop for a television series. Cooking up the old pumpkin
 curry soup which is very delicious. We watched deadwood which is a new Netflix series.It looks like it’s gonna be pretty interesting that’s for sure.

 It takes place in deadwood South Dakota in the 1870s I believe 1875 to be exact.

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