Friday, April 21, 2023

Thursday, April 20: Sunny & Tired with Yoga

Greetings  folks of all shapes and sizes creeds, etc. Today is 420 days of marijuana day as most of you know out there. I got up and it was not quite as chilly 

this morning to wash yesterday. The train showed up close to being on time only three minutes late.  I was only 112 minutes late. Getting to Mike’s. So that is progress my friends. I’ve

 been going to Mike’s And I was feeling kind of tired but I push through and we I I took a walk by myself and then came back and I walked with Mike and then ate lunch at a pizza place. It was

 pretty nice. They had a little special two slices Zana soda for seven bucks. I guess I just caught a sale these days. Anyhow, we finished that walk. It was phone 

fun. Then came back in  And talked on the phone and talk to the

and die then took a quickie nap and headed off to yoga. I left Mike’s around 3:34 PM. 

I know I have to walk express to make it on time to class. Well, I went 

to class and and it was very very very hot inside the studio. I struggled but made it through the class. And then took a really heavy shower and rested for a half hour and did take the Vinyasa class afterwards. That class is decent and I got the wind down a little bit. I then went home and was going to do Pat‘s taxes at 8 o’clock but he got locked out because he didn’t put in his right password and then went upstairs and fell asleep. It was quite a fascinating evening. Actually, it was pretty uneventful, which was fascinating for me. I had a friend to use the word fascinating a lot. I never had somebody use the word like that so much. That was way back in 2003 his name was Clark I believe, he was very fascinated with Korean culture because his older brother had a Korean wife and lived out there. I bet he’s in Korea now I went to school with him at Widener. I just thought that was a good story to tell to fill up some space.

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