Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday, April 18: A Walk on a Cool Day. Yoga

Good day everybody I got up after a really intense dream.  There 

was a house in the neighborhood, but tons of rats in it, and it really grossed me out. I had 

a fantasy of dropping a bomb on it. After that, I thought a 

neighbor was committing arson on the house end pretty much daring us to report him. it was like he had something on us or perhaps on me. Not sure he owned also the house

 with the rats but that was empty.  I did manage to take the laundry from the washer at five in the morning

 when I got up and put it in the dryer and ended up folding the clothes and putting them away. I also caught the trash. I was able to empty out my kitchen trashcan, so that was good. got to work late and actually 

needed a nap. Anyhow, here’s the latest on COVID-19 you can use.. another booster for Covid for those 65 and over & immunocompromised IS coming soon. The shots will be available for other folks during

 the summer. It will have to be at least four months since the last shot. Well, anyhow,

 Mike and I took a nice walk in and find it. It’s 62 out but it feels cooler 

than that outside right now. I stayed a little later because I got in late and that’s all. 

I really need to say about that. I did not dress warm enough I 

don’t think. Anyway, therapy and Yoga will warm me up for sure. It was a blessedly quiet day so far and I liked it very very much. No running around for 

rental cars or really intense conversations stuff. Anyhow, I ended up going to my therapist and that was very intense talked about the Christian Bible retreat. I went to back in 1981. Anyhow, someone made a bet with me. Speaking of bats, Fox News knew they were losing and settled for $787 million. My first reaction was fuck God dammit! They’re getting away with everything.

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