Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Tuesday, October 6: Tired and Working

I woke up after a pretty good nights sleep. I thought we got more tired and tired as the day went along but kept pushing along trying to  get some stuff done. I took a nap during lunch

 which helped out a lot. It was a nice day I did go out for a moment and get a Pepsi

 or two during my afternoon Break. It’s October
 a month before the election change it’s starting to get cold and clammy and my feet get cold. Anyhow, I got some MiraLAX because things aren’t moving

 like they’re supposed to. Anyhow I skip the walk today and pairing myself for tomorrow’s appointment
 at 6:30 out in West Chester PA. Trump 

 s such an idiot he pushes himself out of the hospital Walter Reed stands on the balcony and rips 
 off his mask influence how big and strong

 is he such an asshole unbelievable. I am really hope he gets beaten bad. Hello, Trump is doubling down his stupidity  even though he got sick and a 
 ot of his staff have gotten sick. He really doesn’t give a shit about anybody

 but it’s and self. He always does find 
 eople to suck up to him so he doesn’t face any consequences let’s meet next month the month he pays a consequence for a change. This dude just got to go away please America do everyone in the world a favor let’s put this man out

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