Monday, January 27, 2020

Monday January 27: A New Week. My Routine Dentest

I got up this morning and went straight to work. I needed to sleep and I couldn’t do 

 he 5 AM yoga. I got to work in face the whole bunch of forms to scan in the computer. I was told to do them first. Once I got my mouse to start behaving, and
when ahead and did the 20 or so forms into the 

 omputer. I got them done around 11:00 AM. I then started my first report which is the smaller reported 36 names. As I was going to get my lunch, I just found out I  had an a dentis appointment at 4 o’clock today. I am not in the mood for all that. I want to go to yoga at 5:30 so I’m hoping that the dentist appointment will be fairly efficient. I 

 elieve it’s a cleaning appointment that I rescheduled from the 15th it wasn’t Florida on the 15th. Now I have to tell my  

Supervisor  I got a leave early again!!! In big news, the US Supreme Court allows the Trump administration to do an immigrant wealth test  to 
 keep out immigrants who might use public assistance benefits. 

 eems like an awfully spiteful move by this administration and 
 he’s got his lackeys in the Supreme Court now!😳☹️ Well I got to use my

 sick time to take off for my 4 o’clock cleaning appointment. I got a little more than half of that first

 report done. I wanna get it done tomorrow and start the 130 name report.

 That will take at least three days to get done. The weather is pretty decent for the

 end of January that’s for sure. I know I left a bunch of clothes in 

 rdmore. But I’m gonna try to go to yoga and deposit money for Larry. Well I deposited the 

 oney and paid via Venmo.   I also got some water because I forgot

 to bring the water again. I’m  accumulating plastic like a 

 madman.. So I am going to go to yoga now. It’s not dark but it’s definitely 

 ooling off and getting darker. Well John Bolton released  some transcripts from his own upcoming book  He states

 that Trump knew about the whole Ukraine deal and he’s with there. 

 ome think it will increase the chances the Senate will call witnesses. I’m not too

 sure about all that. Trump has got the GOP up his butt and that’s not going to 

 change no matter what the evidence is. Kenneth Starr testified today that the president should be removed for “petty  offenses.” Bullshit bullshit.
  The release of John Bolton’s transcripts from his upcoming book complicates the 

 mpeachment situation. It’s going to be  little more difficult for the Republicans  and I sat good! I made it in plenty of time. It was very very 
 ot room today. I lots of running and 

 etting more water for a minute. I made it to the end of class & I was pleased with 

 yself.  I took my sweet time in the men’s dressing area.   I didn’t leave

 after 7:30 PM. pick up things at Rite Aid then I came home and passed out again 

 nd watching YouTube videos. I still feel like my brain is pickled. 

 ’m able to function but things just feel very differently
Anyhow the praise  of KOBE and the greatness  of him was in full swing yesterday  LA  being the tinseltown
what it is really went 

 verboard. All the  late night hosts when all in and so did the media  as to be expected. Slate actually  talked about his rape case. It took some balls and I’ll tell you.

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