Saturday, December 07, 2019

Saturday, December 7: Getting My Place Cleaned, Lunch In Pitman and Dinner in Ardmore

And I don’t know why. And anyhow I slept through going to Fairmount and barely got up in time to go get my place ready so my friend can help get the place cleaned up. I finally got all the boxes and stuff and got it all over the place and put them in the basement. I left some pictures out so one day I can put them up. Oh sweet day that will be. I took a shower and got my yoga stuff ready assuming I’ll be going @ 4 o’clock  so I rented a car in the last minute @ 46  and Spruce. I took the market Frankford line to 46th St. to Uber to the car because I was in a hurry. That seemed to help a little bit.  I got into the car and speed it up to Pitman. I was meeting folks from there for a week but that person‘s house. It’s in Pitman it’s an apartment complex fairly modest but not too bad. We had pizza and drinks there. It was fun to laugh and tell funny bus stories. Frankie was not able to come due to illness in the family.  Time flew right bye. I enjoyed the company and the pizza I didn’t realize I had to quit because I wanted to try to make yoga and get my car back in time. Well, I got neither of them done on time. I almost threw able to make it to yoga but even if I’ve been on Pine Hill or train it was going to leave at 4:41 was already two minutes late and I know that Saturday club get packed so I resigned myself missing the class. I then saw Lisa who is finished my place and she went home. I then decided I was tired and took a nap. I was only supposed to nap till five in my sleeping position till 5:51 PM. I realized I had to catch a train by 6:30 PM from 30th St. to get to Ardmore. I got the 30th read on time but the problem was the Paoli Thorndale train was only running every hour so the one train was going to leave 659. Oh yes, I made the reservation very late so I was only able to get a 7:15 PM reservation. That help because I knew I was running late. Showed me that an Amtrak train was leaving towards Harrisburg. That train does stop in Ardmore. That dream was leaving at 6:55 which was four minutes earlier but better off it didn’t make any stops until Ardmore so I paid the 10 bucks and took a trip trip to Ardmore and who is very good timing. Can you pick me up at the Ardmore transportation. We then went to the restaurant called not your audenried Joe. This restaurant would be better than the one we went to last week. Only problem was I didn’t get a bench but fortunately hi was awake and alert.

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