Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tuesday October 22: Flying to San Diego

Hi well I managed to get up on time according to my alarm and got to the  airport very earlywhich is good. I first went to terminal C but that’s for TSA pre-for the prime people. I had to go back to terminal B to go through regular homeland security but it wasn’t bad at all. It is really just miserable out but at least the rain didn’t start yet. It’s just like 2 days ago. 

 pparently were now into every other day it’s cloudy and misty or rainy. We had a good run sunshine there though. Well the flight leaves at 10:33 and it arrives at 12:49 Mountain 

 tandard time it’s gonna take five hours and 16 minutes to get to Phoenix. That seems  kind of slow but maybe were going to 

 eadwinds it’s pretty messy out here and this little  terminal is packed. Check IGood thing is I check my bag for free. this plane is PACKED to the gills! 5 hour trip to 

 Phoenix. There is  baby  crying behind me.. Time  to crank up the  headphones! It’s 10:38am. We are going to lift off soon. Here we go! The internet will

 vanish soon! I decided to pay $16 for 4 hrs of internet access since I am

 squeezed in the center aisle at the tail end of this ✈️. I think this is the

 smallest 💺seat I have ever sat in. Oh well. I am glad I got out and we are on our way to 
Phoenix AZ. The final destination is San Diego. Here is my day so far. Of 

 ourse it will be updated from time to time. What’s new with you? I will

 be in San Diego in 6 hours. I will B there until next Tuesday.
What an asshole!! Can’t he just shut his pie hole for 10
minutes. I agree with Joe Walsh that Trump is a “horrible human being.” If he wins re-election, I will be in shock and the USA

will need all the prayers to not turn into a has-been world power. As of 12:25 PM, or use Google maps and we were flying over several 

Kansas. Specifically this little tiny town called Elyria Kansas. I just wanted to look it up on Wikipedia for
one. I picked a random town in the middle of the country. 1 PM mountain 

 ime I guess. I need 2 find A place
 to charge my phone. Now the media wants to apologize for it’s reporting on Hillary Clinton emails. This was made to be the worst scandal in the world. Folks 

 hought it was worse than Trump saying he grab some pussy. It was ridiculous and it led us to where we are now. My ride to San Diego a little before 3 PM. Picked up my luggage and waited

 about a half hour for Alice to come by. In the meantime I got a charge my phone right after I got my bag from the baggage claim. We then drove back to her place and I need to shower because she said 

  smell bad. Well when it’s 90° and you’re wearing a flannel shirt that’ll happen. Anyhow going out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. Told me not to take any pictures of her and the kids so you will not see any pictures and post shots but even then they may not happen.

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