Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday, October 20: Leaving Harrisburg Tired w/ Rain ☔️

Well, unlike the night before last night I slept very very well so well get up but I did

 get up around 10:30 AM today. I was pretty groggy get rested at the same time. I had breakfast which was very nice. We talked for a bit this morning and then I was trying 

 o drive me down to the Amtrak train station to catch the train. I got some coffee in the first cup tasted  like shit. Diana suggested we get a fresh pot and that would make a difference. I doubt it 

 hat would work but I actually did work in the 2nd cup was drinkable. Not great but much more 

 rinkable in the 1st cup. Well she left to pick up her son and I what is the train after looking at a bunch of magazines I enjoyed the magazines 

 ut I got tired of standing. Again I was tired and and I decided I better board the train 

 ooner than later the train was already there and and and boarded up so that was good I then Watch som You Tube YouTube videos made a collection of songs 4 a  playlist and started getting a headache I really wasn’t in the mood to do anything so I just came straight home after

 a smooth train ride. At one point I couldn’t find my seat when I 

 se the bathroom because I was right in the middle between the two bathrooms

. I’m glad Amtrak as a bathroom that’s for damn sure. Well I got 

 ome and decided I would just go directly back 

 to my apartment. I relaxed and PATRICK gave me some food. We really do wish in the mood to  to anything I’m so late for yoga anyway so I just figured I’d stay on the new disgusting rain

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