Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Tuesday October 1: Yoga, Work and..Fairmount🍭

Good morning kids this is Tuesday the first day of October. Can 

 ou believe it we’re already in the month of October blows my mind. Thank 

 ou thank you. I got up early for my 6 AM class. I got there just in the nick of time 

 round 5:55 AM. It was decent because there was air. My friend was there and I think I did OK. I am  still working on balancing the core been on my belly and all that which is weak. I was told that once by a trainer

 when I was at Philadelphia Sports Club several years ago. I think it’s  still true 

 ut I’m working on it. After  class. I walked to got a coffee ☕️ at 

 tarbucks @ 10th and Chestnut and sat at 10th and Market and mellowed out and people 

 atched. I ran into one woman from program and a dude I know

 from West Philly. My mood improved. I got to work and I just found out who my new boss will be. It's nice to find out stuff sooner then later. At Elmwood they 

 ould keep it a big old secret. I know here from she worked at Elmwood. I remember

 her being nice. I’m working on a couple things right now. I figured

 out where the second bathroom is on the floor which is a good thing 

  would say. Well I worked on some projects at work. I learned some things today about

 definitions of different things that I didn’t know about and what I should add to my work report about 50-50 transportation. Anyway I’m gonna head out to Fairmount. I got really tired after I ate all those fig newtons

 I bought. I was just hungry. Do you know happens when you get hungry you chow down you get tired so I’m hoping I can sort of snooze on the $.48 I’ll be boarding at 8th and Arch Streets which is 

 retty close to the beginning of the route. That bus gets very crowded. It’s pretty 

warm today. I was told by someone is supposed to hit 90 tomorrow. So I think skipping class

 and catching up with sleep would be the smart thing to do. Well the Trump Ukraine scandal goes on🤮. They were many government officials who just kept quiet.  You would think someone would’ve blown the whistle earlier. It’s pretty amazing

 the so-called “adults“ in the room haven’t done crap he just resign and then disappear for a while. I mean most people aren’t running for elections are they afraid of? Wake up the 48 and seem to go really really slow right now I got to my destinations Fairmount with plenty of time to spare. I want to UCF set on myself and listen to random songs on my iTunes playlist. Then went to the meeting and I am sorry usual cast of characters and clean one is complaining of the two many men in the office. She said that that girl keep with the guy much younger than her. Oh well known in my business anyway I then skip the men’s meeting and I need to go home hour. I missed 148 bus and then I had a big gap between buses. That happens sometimes it happens in Fairmount.  I did Eventually catch up 49+ the 30th St. and then headed home. I hate and watch my usual brand of YouTube videos which were enjoyable and then I just totally crashed around 1030. I got up once around midnight and felt good to know that it was only midnight. I’m gonna sleep in tomorrow probably but I’ll set my alarm and see how I feel.

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