Sunday, October 06, 2019

Sunday, October 6 : Fairmount and a Bit ILL

After  I got up a bunch of times to go to the room of mother nature and I went back to sleeparound 4 AM and thought I better not be going to the class in Jersey  because I need a little more sleep now I would like to save 20 bucks because I’ve been ;pending like a drunken sailor it’s coming back to bite my ass as it always does. Anyhow got up and grabbeda granola bar and caught the EL the Broad Street line because we’re having a Pulaski parade 

 t the parkway saw the bus is Roscoe are all screwy. I confirmed a trip I’m taking to Harrisburg

 to hang out with my friend the weekend before I go to Florida I mean California. So I’m going to go to the very 

 opular meeting I may have to forgo my coffee to get a seat. Well I got to the clubhouse  and it 

 as the 7th step out removing our shortcomings. I could really relate today. I really was working

 on not thinking cynical thoughts. One man brought up a philosopher Thomas Merton  in his share. Some

 of the real emotive and intellectual folks spoke today. I left 

 eeling a bit empty. And then I’m at the coffee shop. Didn’t feel like logging at the moment or looking at beautiful people so I read this article about The Hungry Ghost Inside  Us. I believe that’s 

 hat it’s called I was saying addictions are not so much genetic as they are dealing with pain and trying

 to get rid of it. Well well well. I had another Ok cupid scammer spam or whatever you call them. She had this long 

 inded story about living in Tennessee and going with her kid 

 n South Africa to sell antiques. That is so old she seem normal and beginning

 and then the old antique story came out I have a screenshot of it because she vaporized
off the site. I went to CVS and got some provisions and I’m heading home to hopefully get a little bit of a nap 

 efore my class at four. Well, I did take a quick nap and then went to class and for 

 hatever reason I was really weak very quickly my cold seem to get better but I later realized because I 

 idn’t eat enough and I was famished I had no appetite I didn’t 

 hink about it. I had to leave halfway through because I 
 hought I was going to collapse but I made it and I came home and mellowed out for a while. I watched on YouTube about  Bikram  Chowdhury 
He was a real piece of work or he still is but he’s 

 n Mexico now from what I hear hear something I saw several YouTube videos
about him being a real Real sexist pompous asshole.  The one I like the best with 

 roduced by Huffington Post. They  posted this series called Dick-a--Pedia a wiki of dicks  It openly 
mocked  Bikram. Now I can see why all the yoga studio change their 

 ames because he got really bad press and for good reason!
Will have to looking at all that
I did send the link to a couple people. I hate and eventually went to bed around 930 9:45. I don’t think I’m gonna go to yoga class tomorrow unless he somehow miracle of miracles feel better. I am definitely going to go to work though.

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