ince I’m going to yoga at 11 and I really needed to get some sleep. I ran
into Pat and we talked for a while. After work I’m thinking of doing
an errand with him if he’s available after he gets his car oil changed at Leo’s Auto. It used to be at 42nd and
Chestnut and now he has a big garage on Lancaster Avenue.
hat man made of killing when he sold that property which is now a bunch
f apartments or condos for college students. I got to work a little
bit late and signed out signed in and half hour late. Are use Daniel time but from now on if I show up late I’m
oing to use sick time because I got over 19:00 sick time hours
I’ll get more one more award for using zero sick time and then that’ll be that
nd I’ll spend the last two years using more sick time and annual time. Anyhow we got to out of work early so I ate a long long lunch and talk to Wes and I’m gonna go
own to the bank and
also going to have some oh she have coffee before they close at 3 o’clock. They
closed at 3 o’clock on Christmas Eve which was one week ago believe
it or not. I spent this time last week buying all the Christmas gifts. Well
hile I was at the OCF Coffeehouse which indeed there
loser to 3 PM, I read this blog that the state department was trying to hunt
down someone who actually liked a Twitter post from Chelsea Clinton. They used the state department
website not the right to comment but just put a like. Apparently the Clintons are the enemy of the state. Well I was going to take the 17 bus
up the 20th and do shopping at CVS but I’m running out of time to get to
rdmore by 5 o’clock. There’s a huge traffic jam at City Hall. Well
wander through City Hall and saw the holiday set up. One of the vendors
I was thinking of buying something later on and said that they’re closed January 1 which is tomorrow I don’t spec to be in Philadelphia
most of January 1. Anyhow it was it’s a nice day out and I got some decent
ot the street closed off for the mummers parade feels like when the pope was here
o start at 11 also confirm the parking lot across the street open 24 hours but I couldn’t confirm
if they had any space left. Also found out that damn public transportation is available but Google
maps states that at the end we have to do Uber no matter what. I’m really hoping that hundred dollar
eposit flows overnight but I’m not gonna count on it so I’m just not going to buy a Transpass till
payday not a stupor ride and get ripped off. I decided to use my one last zone 4 ticket to get the Ardmore directly. Not a far walk at all. I just have to count pennies and I
ounting on having to do that. Fortunately the yoga has been paid for and thanks
for that old $20 check I have $30 in my account. I got to train to Ardmore
nd we had some dinner which was tasty and she gave me a nice
massage right painful shoulder. We then watched A Netflix feature called Bikrim. It was about the
The founder of BikrI’m hot yoga. It was a story of how he made
imself rich and created a yoga empire. he touched on his reply several
women and lawsuits. it really showed how much of a megalomaniac
e was. we watched a little less than halfway through and had to get ready
or the class. We got there extra early before the doors are even opened. I
anted to make sure I got there early just in case of any adjustments etc. The class was pretty
packed I must say colleen the instructor played some nice meditative
music and we did a posing were in our post we said happy new year to each
ther it was pretty nice. She enjoyed it very much. We then caught the 1:35 AM train back to Ardmore. I found out that it was stopping at every stop. It was not an express train
which would go directly to Bryn Mawr. I was relieved about that. The train was really really packed. We got home I had some of her delicious bread and fell right to sleep