Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Wednesday, May 29: Work, Appt. Hot 🥵 and Yin

Well after a slight anxiety dream I woke up, had my cereal and headed off to 

work. As usual, I was a little bit late but today’s the day I can leave late. I got 

the Mike’s and we didn’t get our walk in between nine and 10 and next 

thing you know Mike had his appointment at 11 AM so I went out and picked up my sneakers from the 
New Balance store that I already bought

 and I bought, the super feet thing or a foot support thing and talk to my sister about our trip coming up in San Diego. Alice bought tickets for the Padres game on Tuesday, June 6 from 

aftermarket seller so I have to pay her back for that. Today’s been a funky mixture of clouds and sun all day and it was much cooler less humid than it was the 

last few days.  Therapy was interesting. Not quite as intense as last week but we delve into my deep past. It’s now 4:12 PM. I’m heading over to Mary‘s and then 

we’re gonna go to 5:30 PM Hot class and then go to Yen with Linda.

 Tomorrow is choir rehearsal dress rehearsal that I didn’t have on my calendar for 

some weird ass reason. Feeling kind of mellow after just doing 

walking,therapy and feeling the sun in the clouds man. The 530 class with Dan Ground

 was decent. It was pretty full and has most 530 classes are more 

full than the 4 o’clock classes. That’s a pretty consistent thing. Afterwards I took

 my super Duper shower between classes and join in class. My 

hips were really raging stiff and I was not feeling it for a little while till the end I started feeling better. after the class took a really quick shower because I wasn’t sweating. 
A few of us hung out At the studio and talked. We’re going to miss the yen and violin class on June 9 because we’ll be off to San Diego. The clouds came in 

and it started to spit a little bit. It’s 9:13 PM and the spitting rain stopped but I do have an umbrella to pick up the Indian food. Well, we had the Indian food watch 2
 episodes of Law and order CI. That was enjoyable and we then talked 

for a bit and then off I went to catch the 21 bus. I waited about nine 

minutes for that and got home. Had a couple yogurts and then went to bed.

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