Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday, May 26: Breakfast in Lansdale. Mary’s Family

Well, you set the alarm for 7:30 AM to get ready to go to the party

 that starts at 11 o’clock up in Lansdale. This is where we eat a little breakfast go to suburban station cast the train to North Wales and then take a six minute Uber 

ride out to this party. Well the first part went really well. We just had breakfast. I finished off yesterday‘s blog posting and then realize we were running late for the 9:40 AM train from suburban 

station so we walked a really good pace. Look out here comes the… Race anyway. We raced over to train. Had a nice smooth train ride. 

 The Uber guy showed up at the train station, but he was over to our side. We are dropped off at this place at the place. We were going to go to the party and didn’t noticed 

there was nobody in the driveway. Nobody anywhere. It turns out that the party starts at 1 PM so we just got the hell out of Dodge so we would be discovered showing 

up really lame and early. We called Uber and to go to Lansdale and we’d find some place to eat Lansdale and kill some time. I was getting very hungry. so we found a nice little diner called the coffee café. It had a traditional

 diner and I had pancakes and scrap and it was really good. So you went to the local 

minimart got some nice tea and we’re going to Uber to the party and 

get there at 1:15 PM. We’re not showing up on time after showing up two hours early

 ha ha😉😉🤣🤣. Anyhow, we had a good time at breakfast. I ate a nice bonus pack of 

pancakes and scrapple and Mary had some eggs. We called the Uber and 10 

minutes later and we went to the house. There’s a lot more people there kids running around women expecting 
more kids, etc. Family reunion basically. The sun

 was very intense. You couldn’t sit out in the sun because it was just too damn hot. I was really glad I brought my hat with me. Some people were a little more social than others, but everybody

 was pretty friendly once we talk to him. We talked a couple people about the top for being arrested , and I believe it was West Virginia. Anyhow, I was not hungry at all after all those pancakes 

that all kinds of food that was catered and had some caterer there. The people that had it, the woman is 

pregnant and I have two kids and but the house is gigantic at the end of cul-de-sac. 

Anyhow, it was fine and it was pretty pleasant beside the heat. After that we

 decided we’d catch the 4 o’clock train from North Wales and that’s what we did. 

We called the Uber. They took 10 minutes to show up and we caught the train with eight minutes to spare. we almost were too 

far away from the entrance because they were strict the entrances on weekends. We got back and I wanted to tell Mike I was coming 
into work tomorrow so Mary and I walked 

to Mike’s place and we hung out at Mike’s and helped him out a little bit, taking out boxes and getting him mail. after you left, we walked back to Mary and that was

 pretty enjoyable. Anyhow, we talked a little bit and then I caught the 21 Justice it was coming up which was fortunate and it’s now 8:06 PM and I just arrived 

in Melbourne. We’re having some big kind of block party here millbourne. It was some kind of Bangladesh 
🇧🇩 festival. I saw the best Bangladesh 

and US flags together. Came in made up some dinner and hung out with Pat who was home doing motorcycle repair. He look like he’s been in the sun. We talked

 for a bit. The music got pretty loud they had, some playing some hits. It was also very warm out. The humidity was starting to creep up like socialism and 

it was somewhat irritating. Anyhow, I did manage to do some laundry, which is good. Tomorrow is memorial day but I’m working

 at Mike’s 
and I’m gonna go to a 9 o’clock yoga class least that’s what I intend to do. Right now trying to wrap this up as a good man should do it right for the hood.

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