Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesday, May 21: No Towel Tuesday

Good day everybody spring is finally here for real and I’m here for it.

 I got to Mike’s and a half decent time because I caught the bus right away. I had my usual cereal but with no coffee I didn’t have any coffee product till I had my super
coffee today. That tasted pretty yummy. I realized I remembered things that I forgot yesterday like my headphones, but 

I forgot to bring my choir folder and I brought a towel which I don’t bring towels on Tuesdays because the choir practice because I have to get the choir folder and also it’s one 

less heavy thing to carry around. I went back home found some 

moral pictures while looking for Motrin for Mike’s leg pain. I also switch into 

shorts and sandals, which was pretty good idea. Anyhow, it’s a beautiful

 mild day. It’s 2:26 PM now and it’s 83°. That’s pretty warm and I’m glad it changed

 my shorts and sandals. This will make a lot easier to know the sweater

 from Yoga even though it’s the top part of my body that sweats like crazy.  Mike and I are going to go for

 a walk soon soon as he gets dressed cause it’s too nice NOTto take a 

walk. Like an idea to take our walk and that was very good. It’s so nice out 

here. You don’t get much better than low humidity and 85° So I’m 

heading towards Chris’s class which I recall last Tuesday being the hottest class

 I’ve taken this year by far. Then again we haven’t had real kind of 

worn days out until recently. Then I’ve choir, but I might do Pilates depending 

on how I feel physically and mentally. Well, I’m gonna go for the Pilates

 and go. What the hell maybe I’ll be a little late to choir but at this point, I’ll just take a quick shower. I don’t know that’s about it. It’s 5:39 PM. I’m glad there

 is at least   a half hour between classes thank praise the Lord baby Jesus. So I took the Pilates class pretty crowded. It was hard as usual, but I’ve been the more 

difficult classes, but we had a lot of moving around and I was pretty gassed 

afterwards. I did attempt to keep up and I did OK. Class ended and 
I quickly showered, and it was 630 when I got out of the shower and, I had a half hour to get ready and I was able to get the choir practice only about two minutes late. They had already started

 warm-ups when I arrived. I walked out Yoga with no shirt on didn’t have to like sweat and I could dry off while I’m walking. 

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