Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Wednesday, May 22: Anxiety, Dream, and sunshine

Well, I originally got up at 6:30 AM after a dream had that was 

just full of anxiety were I was supposed to be somewhere I couldn’t find my phone. I lost the phone number to somebody and who is strange. 

I’ve had them before though. I got up and had breakfast, got up at 7:15 AM had breakfast and left for work. I arrived at Mike’s and did a little bit of sweeping and

 had a little bites to eat and drink. I then thought I should be calling to make my colonoscopy appointment and my dermatologist appointment one should be by February next year 

and dermatologist. I’m hoping to fit in in the month of Juneof this year. Only problem is the dermatologist is not on my Penn systems for some free frigging reason.

 Anyhow, Mike had a therapy appointment today so I went out in a nice fresh air. Enjoyed that and then went to get some items at the CVS for him with his card. Didn’t get much nicer than this outside for sure. It’s

 at 12:25 PM after that, I’m gonna, eat some lunch. I finish lunch and then I looked at the clock again and realized I was running a little

 running possibly a little late to my appointment at 2 o’clock. I have every week at this time. So I hustled through the sunshine and that was about it. Well, that was very intensive appointment. That’s 

for sure. We just delved into my stuff. she was barely mentioned. Went over and impostor syndrome, childhood stuff because of what I found about my brother Chuck 

on Sunday. Needling might depressive feeling to that which is sensible. So hitting some pretty raw shit right now that’s all I’m going to say.  say. It’s 3:09 PM the good thing about

 Wednesdays. I go straight to Mary’s. I don’t have to go straight to Yoga at four. We’re doing yenclass at seven. Linda is not teaching
but she’s away with her family. Rob’s gonna be teaching it he’s he lives in Mike’s apartment building. So I’m gonna unwind a little

 bit have more liquids.  I think you can see I was watching YouTube at the end of the 
day and I like to listen to this guy talk about

 retirement, investing and stuff. It’s interesting and entertaining. His political views are twisted, but as long as he stays out 

of politics he makes sense. Anyway, I’m gonna sign out soon. I’m sort of getting apost therapy hangover but I think Yoga be good for that and of course. I got the Mary’s and took a nice little 20 minute nap 
which I really really needed. It’s 5:05 PM we’re getting ready to go to class. Dance class was good. He let the doors open, but I was struggling through the class certain positions. I did OK and but afterwards I was. I made the in on time and 

dad and Rob‘s class was really good. I got to stick my legs up against the wall and the poses weren’t reallystressful so I was very relaxing. I just got some food for Mary at the Indian place and I’m having two samosas and two stuffed peppers. I just need some rest. 

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