Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 28: Carnation of a Rhea

This is a real blog posting. we’ll see in six months. If Google randomly

 removes the photos from the blog I don’t know why Google does that and you know with these tech companies. They don’t believe in customer service so you can’t really get help getting

 it done you gotta figure it out yourself or some stupid advice call anyway, it’s 11:43 AM going to a repair shop
for Mike’s phone. It doesn’t work and he doesn’t 

know where the original cord is for the phone so we’ll see if this repair shop is really helpful. The other one decided to move for some particular

 reason, they’re very flaky these PC repair shops anyway it’s a beautiful sunny day , I’m gonna also call Penn about scheduling my colonoscopy and go to Yoga. Well, Mike’s phone is completely broken and short circuited The repair man stated it 

looked like water was spilled on the phone. He didn’t charge me for the diagnosis. Basically I think Mike spilled something on the phone and the phone wasn’t water resistant. So I got home and told Mike about the 
bad news on the phone so he ordered a free phone which when we complained how long it would take the Indian woman put 

us in our place and said it’s a free phone then we decided we would accept this 7 to 10 workdaysfor the free phone so he goes as long as 10 days to 2 weeks 

without the phone. So that’s word that’s what we’re gonna do. He still has his Skype account. We then went out for a short walk.
Who is the bountiful walk? Mike sprayed some suntan lotion. It really pushed out a shit load of aerosol. I could feel the irritation in my lungs and his lungs 🫁 was pretty bad with that coughing.
so we just went out here to air out and it’s nice and breezy out here and sunny and humidity is a lot lowerMary’s gonna get treatment done and I got a contact.

 I’m thinking of doing it myself, but I’m alone. Major-league baseball‘s, worst umpire Angel Hernandez retired and it’s all over the news and Internet saying it’s a great day for baseball today May 28, 2024. Anyhow, 

the afternoon floated right by and next thing out 3:30 PM rolled along and it was time for me to pack my stuff and get ready for the 4 o’clock yoga class 

today. Afterwards I have choir practice, which is a pretty long haul for sure. Nice day out, really enjoyed the weather. What the 4 o’clock class was pretty 

damn hot not quite as hot as yesterday, but it was pretty hot. The humidity from yesterday hung around. Chris taught a good class 

and I decided I would do a double and do the Pilates class. I think I did that last week too. I don’t remember offhand The weeks seem to run 

together. Which now 6:57 PM I got to get the choir. We just started choir practice and we sang through the first piece,   I’m glad we took a five minute break. 
We then saying the second piece and I found out a bunch of things. There’s a dress rehearsal coming up Thursday at 6:00 PM. Obviously I’m not going to the meeting I go to and it’s 

a good thing. I didn’t schedule any other appointment at 6:30 PM like I do at times. That appointment

 is gonna be on Sunday at 6:30 PM. Anyhow, I have my clothes set up for the dress, but I don’t have the gold or silver highlights so I’m not sure what to do there.. Anyway, I left the rehearsal with a throat pretty worn out ready to go home. I got really lucky the train showed up right as I was, arriving to the station which was cool. Is that train packed? 

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