Monday, May 20, 2024

Monday, May 20: 80° and it’s OK

I woke this morning at 7:30 AM. It’s probably not early enough for 

me to get to work on time but it’s just enough sleep for me. I got up had a cereal and proceeded to forget my headphones and my thermos with me. 

Today is a 4 o’clock class, and it’s a 75 minute class which I should be able to get by on one thing of Gatorade. I don’t like having two things out in the heat because 

they both will get warm. Anyhow, Mike and I took a walk, which was cool. I communicated with Mary , and looked at scanners a little bit and portable 

hard drives. I then decided I would order my sneakers and see what Apple thought of portable hard drive or any backup

 hard drive from my iPhone and I got this really weird answer. Basically you can’t do it Computer like he had three eyeballs I was like and I just left there in a stupor 

. I still can’t believe that you cannot back up your shit on an iPhone and portable hard drive. It’s absolutely ridiculous and 
I’m not gonna go buy a Mac just to do that cause Macintosh are really expensive

 portable hard drives are cheap comparison so this is just some Tom foolery ridiculous 

anyhow I’m not feeling terribly motivated today. I have a Monday Night 

Beginners Mary had a surgery today and she’s hanging in there. Don’t think she’ll make it to class today for obvious reasons. I’ll go 

over there after class. oh yes, earlier today three different cops came over to the corner of Broad and Lombard across the street near the Texadelphia because 

some old guy called or something I could never discern what was 
going on, but nobody was hurt. I think the old guy wanted some attention. I guess I took a couple pictures being the roving reported

 that I can be. I then went back to Mike did a couple little things and then went to my 4 o’clock

 class. Talked by Kaitlyn who was up in the second floor. It was very warm. 

There was air. She let the air in it strategic times because I was struggling there

 different time. After class, I hung out for a while cause I was sweating so profusely. Met a union organizer there’s an SU convention here in Philadelphia. She gave me a scarf. I think I’ll give it to Mary if 
you want it because I don’t do scars and it’s hot outside. it’s now 5:51 PM one day I would like to do a double but today wasn’t one of those days. But I do like to admit testosterone rage

 today not so much anyhow tiny bit under motivated. I think that probably made

 class a little tougher than otherwise it would be. Well, I went over to Mary’s and hung out and we talked about deep stuff and then headed over to the MONDAY Night Beginners meeting. It was well attended and our business meeting. It was a side that I would buy 20 beginner packets so I gotta remember this time now.

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