Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday, May 27: Memorial Day w/ Yoga & Work

Good day everybody this is Mark speaking. I got up at 7:30 AM quickly

 got dressed ate the rest of the venom yogurt I had and speed it off to Mike. I wanted 
to get the Mike’s by 830 so I could sign 

in and then run off to the 9 o’clock yoga class, which was a 90 minute class.I successfully made it to Mike. I told Mike I was leaving and I would be back 

in two hours and then gallivant off to the 9 o’clock yoga class. Got there and the room was hot as hell holy butternut squash Batman. It was hot as hell. Unfortunately, 

had an event nearby and that got me through because I was pretty stiff and pretty wiped out. Afterwards took aUnfortunately, 

had a event nearby and that got me through because I was pretty stiff and pretty wiped out. 
Afterwards took a really nice cold shower drank my water and chitchat

 with a couple people after class. I saw Mary and headed back to Mike’s. well, I got back to Mike’s and the weather just steadily get cloudy and cloudy and practice 

got dark in here. Apparently it’s just gonna rain the rest of the day. Mary and I had talked about taking 

a walk and maybe at the Wissahickon or the Schuylkill Trail, but it 

doesn’t look like that’s gonna happen because it looks like it’s gonna rain for the rest of the day not heavy rain but steady drizzly
rain. Anyhow, I just saw the news that basketball star Bill Walton died today at  age 71 years. He had cancer Mike and I talked about that at 71 years old  is not that old anymore. It’s old but it’s 

not ancient like 85 to 95.  Cancer will do that for sure. We next did some cleaning up and got him to get rid of an old IKEA shelving unit, which is an absolute piece of shit and all kinds 

of nasty mouse droppings from months ago. Got rid of that and throughout a lot of stuff. Mike knows when I get throwaway mode, nothing is’s 

now 3:38 PM and downpour ended thank God but I did bring Mike umbrella with me just in case the rain starts again. It’s been raining

 pretty much the whole day today. I’m going straight to Mary because there’s no 4 o’clock yoga, cause I did yoga at 11! Well, I got to Mary’s place and I got there 

around 4 o’clock and around 445. I just got really tired so I need to lay down and nap for 2 1/2 hours. It was a really good nap. Oh my God I was loving it. Fresh clean sheets nothing like it when you’re really tired. Woke up. We talked a bit and then went out to buy some ICT diet and they only had the small ones which are a rip off obviouslyI got it along with the Pepsi and we’re gonna see if they have sandals cause my sandals just broke so they’re kind of loose because one of the things fell out. 

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