Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Monday, May 6: Van Gogh Museum and Yoga

This morning, I got up around 9:15 AM to get ready to go to the van Gogh Museum. 

I had some cereal and got ready to go. Lisa already went to work and Bob’s in 
New York right now. I got to the tram in time and made it to van Gogh just in time 

for the 1030 line to get in which was really good because I didn’t have to wait long to get in. Exhibit was very impressive. They had a nice layout and they

 started from one floor with self portrait. One floor was van Gogh in his 

world, and the next floor was his life and his struggles. He really liked

 the paint peasants at first and then he went into more color.  it was very detailed there

 works there I’ve never seen before. Obviously I haven’t seen much 

of van Gogh except for the more famous ones such as one with his ear cut 

off and a couple other self portraits. Also the ones of the flowers 
and the scenes I seen a couple of those. They had these headphones and that featured particular works, and they had a coatroom, which was pretty 

cool automatic coatroom where you could dial in your coat room and it would 

open by itself and then use the password to get in and out of it, I 

got very hot so I just took a coat and just went around in my T-shirt because 
I was getting really hot. After I was done, I decided to, just sit and chill for a minute and I enjoyed doing that. It was very nice outside. I really 
enjoyed being outside and just taking in the air and catching up on stuff on my phone. I got home around 2:11 PM and I got a message
from Bob to bring his portable drive and meet him in Newark where he would

 drive me from Newark to the Amtrak station. My flight arrives in Newark

 around 3 PM and my train leaves around 4:30 PM Eastern time.  I finished 

my last 90 minute class today I definitely am a little stronger generally on the

 afternoons a lot less stiff. It’s now 7:49 PM. I just finished going to the Albert Hahn supermarket to get myself some treats for my last night here Lisa should 

be home from work by now.I talked to Bob and he wants me to meet him 

at Newark to give him his back up drive that he forgot so I put it in my backpack

 and ready to go and stuff. again, I took a lot of pictures at the Van Gogh museum 

probably way too many, but I didn’t know which was worth it which could be left out. I’ll probably have to edit the video but that after I get to where I 

can plug in my phone. I bought some stuff at the supermarket and Lisa told me about these soups in a bag that Bob had. Unlike the premade

 food ready-made food in the US there’s no corn syrup allowed in European food according to the EU. The soup was delicious and I ate it all up real

 quick. Lisa and I talked for a while. It was good to hang out and chat with Lisa and relax atmosphere. I ended up not going to bed 

early because we were chatting it up and I was packing and double triple checking Bob’s hard drive was a correct hard drive to bring. I 

also talked to Mary this evening as well and caught up with stuff. It was fun. We’re gonna go to a book presentation with 

her nieces son and that only be really interesting. Also a yoga event this

 Saturday night. I signed up for it already.

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