Monday, May 13, 2024

Monday, May 13: Sunny w/ Errands and Scanner Browsing

Happy Monday! Today I got up at a recent hour, but of course I got caught up in shopping for AMAZON eating my practice and then
 forgetting my backpack and having to run back and get it. Anyhow, I just found out that the favorite song of the Dutch for Eurovision  got eliminated/ disqualified from the contest because of a report to the police by a female 

who worked with the Judt Klein. So I found that very interesting considering I was just an Amsterdam and that song was the song during King’s day. I just got the 32 bus at Broad and Locust. It’s now 8:58 AM right now, I got to Mike’s opened up his windows, cleared the air and caught him up on my weekend. I think did a little bit of cleanup on my wallet, move

 things around and then cleaned off my thermos of two stickers that just weren’t wearing very well, I put a nice little sticker from Café I went to Amsterdam. Then started looking at scanners 

archiving that needs to be done on those photo albums that my mom has. Best quality about $525 so far 

that’s a long-term project at this point. I then went to my psychiatrist

 appointment, which was pretty routine  And now I’m doing my picking up my 

scripts and then picking up money for Mike. Tomorrow I got to get 

money for his laundry and do a bunch of laundry. In between all that I had some my regular lunch and had 

a successful digestive day so far. The sun is really nice. It’s a beautiful

 day the nicest day I think we’ll have the rest of the week , I’m 

afraid. I just remembered the song called “A Rock ‘n’ Roll Fantasy.“ It was by the Kinks and it played 

a lot in 1978 to great song. It’s great to hear it again. God bless the Internet!!🛜 hi then 

left For Mike and went to 4 o’clock yoga class. I showed up on time

 and it was a good class. There was plenty of air to breathe. It was warm but very
 much a decent class. Wasn’t that crowded and Mary wasn’t able to make it because of severe hip pain that she had all day. At least 
she got it treated, which was good. 
Today was samosa today so after class, I grab some samosas, and grab 4️⃣ of them to be exact. I’ve been good to Mary’s and then we hung out for a bit then I go to MONDAY Night Beginners, which was a 

little odd since there were some odd Tom thrown in there. Lots of beginners. Anyhow, I went back to Mary’s. Ate some samosas and watched a bit of Steve, Stephen, Colbert, and, listen to some songs which was really fun. 

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