Friday, May 17, 2024

Thursday, May 16: Planning, Yoga, Reiki and Meeting

Today is Thursday and we officially hit mid May. This means June is coming

 around the corner. Looks like I have to plan stuff and I just haven’t felt like it today. I’m supposed to meet my brother sometime Saturday
 and I decide whether I’m gonna rent

 a car or have David bring it over but I don’t know yet. Also buying a scanner and eventually finding time to scan Mike 

said I could do it at his place, which seems like a reasonable idea. Anyhow, it was drizzling and Mike and I went for a walk today which was cool. I drink two super 

coffees and iced tea so I’m pretty caffeinated today. It’s 3 PM right now. I just finished off yesterday‘s blog posting 
and downloading YouTube video. This 

blog frustrates me because Google lemonade a lot of photos from last year out of nowhere and I can spend the rest of my life trying to put the photos back in, but I guess I’m just screwed also to buy a scanner and I’d like to back up my 

stuff onhard drive because one day I just may not want to keep paying for cloud storage for two different things. I’m paying Google and I’m paying Apple so I don’t know why 

they’re removing my pictures from my block since I paying extra but that’s the tech companies for you I’m going to yoga class At 4 PM and then going to Reiki session and then my CODA meeting for the rest of the evening. 

Nothing epitomizes,THE  moral rot of Trump world 
than the Trump hush, money trial! Robert Rich makes a good case for this in the Guardian. Anyway, it’s 3:30 PM time to stop charging my phone to go to Yoga. Well, Rob class was pretty good. It was fairly empty in the studio and it was a good class. He let the air in.
because it was pretty humid to begin and he acknowledged

 it very strongly before class started class afterwards. Mary and I hung out 

upstairs while cooling off and we walked to her house and I

next thing you know it I had to get going to catch the 33 bus by 6:14 PM. And it’s

 about the 10 minute walk from her place to 20th and JFK but 

I didn’t want to take a chance. Come straight from work to get back by 6:30. At least 

I could be on time which I believe I will be stopping at the Rite Aid 
to get some drinks. Dakota meeting was decent. There were a lot of newcomers participation. Some of the old stall words weren’t there. Anyhow, one of the guys celebrate
 his birthday by bringing your birthday cake. It was pretty good but I miss the 49 bus showed up a minute early. I got a ride to 11 feet on the market side by a friend of mine who’s going to Indianapolis to meet a woman he met her dating site. Hope he does well. It’s about 1015. Just got off thetrain at Millbourne tiny little mist of rain. I’m pretty hungry. I’m gonna have some leftovers. 

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