Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Wednesday, May 1: Trip to Hoorn, Medemblik and Enkhuizen

Today I woke up after having a normal sleep. Seven hours and that was plenty

 good for me. I had practice and went over last minute instructions on my itinerary,

 which to me was complex for some reason. Bob didn’t feel well so 

he didn’t come with me so he’s gonna relax and get some work done I first wentto Central Station & and made the train just in time. I met some really nice fellow 

tourist from Portland, Oregon Hoopin in Iceland and they’re doing to Slovakia and other places. It’s two couples traveling together. They’ve done this sort of thing before 

they’re very nice people.  They went off to catch their train and I waited an additional 15 minutes for my train to show up and it did on 
time. I then got off the train at 
11:20 and had 20 minutes to catch them steam tram. it’s an old train from the late 19 century or early 20th century That’s tour but it runs like a real train cause the distance 
from Hoorm to Medemblik was about an hour and 20 minutes. It ran really slow, but it didn’t matter because it was a tour train and tourist train and 

it was Hoorn, Medemblik pretty cool. There were a lot of kids, but most of them were well-behaved. It didn’t really bother me too much.  Once you 

got to Meadow Blick, the ferry/boat was ready for us to be picked up. This is a very large, super large, but nice size boat that could hold. A lot of people had three

 levels, including that food, which was good cause I was a little hungry so order an egg sandwich, and it was sandwiches I get home. It was basically a hard boiled egg sliced 

up in the little wedges and it was put in piece of bread that was sort of like a bagel not really a bagel. Generally or scrambled eggs least the ones I received.  
Well we got on the boat and I just walked around and looked at some tourist guidebook and the boat arrived around 2:40 PM as the 

woman that instructed me on travel guide told me and it stopped at the museum, but we were a bunch of us were confused when they get off the boat so there is two stops at met and we didn’t

 know which stop is the proper stop and I didn’t wanna stay on the boat any longer than I had to. I met some nice people also 

confused and, hanging out with Rob since he was by himself and I was by myself we just sort of walk around this museum area and check it out and we enjoyed 

it and he was a nice guy from London right outside 10 minutes from London and he’s pretty chill and we just walked around  And this is the place it’s like 

colonial Williamsburg a little really small place that they rebuilt the houses or least fixed them up came back the rush so I didn’t and I don’t have any didn’t have any intention 

to wait past 630 either cause I didn’t wanna take my yogurt class. The trip from.  Enkhuizen is going to be an hour and 20 minutes total when I decide to leave. Rob and I walked in around

 for a bit and decided we get a snack before we head out. We got some

 fries and I got a diet Coke. We left around 5:09 PM when the train was gonna come

 and he got off at horn and I continued on to my trip my trip again it’s going to 

be an hour and 20 minutes so I’ll get back in plenty of time to unwind it. Bob charge

 my phone a little bit more And go to my 730 yoga that looks like

 730 yoga.  Well, I arrived at Aminals Amsterdam Central and was all turned around

 because the exit looked nothing like what I remembered. 

My network also turned off somehow it stopped working. I thought I might’ve used 

all the gigabytes that I bought and I was a little bit nonplus 

to put it mildly.. Anyhow, I turns out I exited in the wrong direction because 

I was completely turned around. Unfortunately my network came 

back so I was able to find my way back and I’m pretty warm right now  I got too tired to walk past Bob’s house one so I arrived around 6:45 PM and just lie 

down because I was so beat. So I lie down for 15 minutes and then drink on my wonderful pear juice. Bob and Lisa 

aren’t home right now. It’s now 7:05 PM getting ready for class. Well, I went to class and I felt a lot better on this class than the first class. It was hot, but that’s what it’s supposed to be 
in different teacher and she gave me some tips as well which was good. It was about 10 of us in there in the room held that with no problem

I had all my Stuff with me it’s basically five euros every time I go in there because a towel and a mat or a total of five euros so I guess it’s 250 each. Class, I enjoyed

 it very much. Anyhow, I got back and Bob & Lisa were wondering where I was because I was in class and didn’t write them. We ended

 up watching another episode of homicide New York City something like that on Netflix Bob made a delicious meal. It was time to get my butt to sleep.

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