Saturday, May 11, 2024

Saturday, May 11: Feeling Normal. Rittenhouse Square and Yoga.

Last night slept very very well and woke up feeling as close to being
normal as I have since I got back from Amsterdam onTuesday. I hung out at Dorchester and Mary and I went out to eat for breakfast and I had a breakfast burrito which is very good and not disappointing 

like last night’s dinner. Anyhow, I then went home and realized I don’t have a monthly trans past this month because I started too late in the monthly getting my 
money in. So I have to buy them by the week now. I got home got some stiff stuff done and then all tired and took a nap. I miss the one train. I wanted to take because I didn’t have

 extra money in my transfer to let me in because my weekly doesn’t start till Sundays. So I’m going to barely get to my class without being late. the clouds 

are gathering after it was sunny this morning. I did make it to class about well 3 to 5️⃣ minutes late. I made it in time for the breathing exercise the second round and then finished

 the class feeling pretty good afterwards. Just took a nice shower and then went to the class and that was really a court experience, there’s a few people who are not members of the studio

 who were there and we finished that class and we ordered Indian

 food afterwards that was nice. We watched breakfast at Tiffany’s and 

both of us enjoyed it better this time then we 
did when we first saw it. I got past the Mickey Rooney ridiculous Chinen imitation and the storyline was cute after all. I think caught Uber
 because the price dropped $10 within 15 minutes. It was a good day. It was nice to feel myself. 

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