Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Tuesday, May 14: Coudy w/ Errands,Yoga, and Choir

Today I plan to sing a song to sixpence, but I decided not to. I just

 got to work in the usual way. I took a train and then caught the bus and signed 

in. Yes I did sign and didn’t I? Yes I did. Anyway, I discovered

 that I had to resign for last Wednesday even though the dude fixed up the computer so I could sign in but anyway I just filled 

it in anyhow it’s cloudy and it’s probably gonna rain but it’s not cold so that is a bonus I had to dress extra carefully as usual. I love how Stephen Colbert made fun of the Apple ad for the iPad and

 instead of crushing creativity and musicians it was crushing your family to fit

 it inside the iPad. It was pretty graphic and kind of gross but pretty funny.

 It’s now 11:29 AM and we’re out here enjoying this the clouds in the little

 breeze. It does smell like spring out here. We hung out outside nice

long time which is nice and we almost walked to 15th St. We saw cute golden retriever puppy who wanted to say hi 

to us, which is adorable. went back to Mike’s ate lunch and then got food, 

and took a nice intense 16 minute nap quick intense streams then I decided to do two errands rather do one today

 and one tomorrow so I went to the coin changing place $10 in quarters and get them some stamps 

and then go to CVS and get them some stuff it’s humid right now. It’s 2:36 PM. I 

got the Mike’s with all the errands done then I charged my phone look

 at a couple TikTok and then change my socks because my feet were all moist sweaty. I 

didn’t realize that I didn’t bring my thermos with me. I think I left it 

in the fridge at home so I’m gonna have to buy a water when I get into the studio. It’s 

now 3:47 PM. The 4 o’clock class with Chris was so humid and 🥵 . I think it was the hottest

 class I’ve had this year so far. Yes, I’ll in mid May but yikes! I didn’t stay long 

for Shavasana  and I 
bolted to the shower that really good thing good thing Ifrom the jet lag from hell over the last week. Can you believe it’s been a week since I got back from Amsterdam. Anyhow, now it is 6:54 PM. 

I am walking towards choir in the drizzle. Well, on the way to choir, I realized how hungry I was I had to go to the general store was flopping around trying to decide what I get to get my purchase pass the five 

dollar plateau to use a check card. I ran into Mary Sue and said why don’t you get a sandwich and 
I got a chicken salad sandwich which was a great 

idea. During the 10 minute break I chow down on half of it then on 
the second 10 minute break at the second part and that really made a difference. I didn’t come home starving which was cool.

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