Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday, June 27: Returning Stuff.Pet Sitting Starts

Early this morning around 5:30 AM, I heard a really loud snoring emanating from the living room at my place. I was a bit startled and   
decided to walk out there. For a moment I thought it was Pat who couldn’t make it because he was tired. I found out it was Lisa and she snores like nobody else I’ve ever seen snore. We then

 talked for a while and she had a whole thing go on last night were headed to 
 pick her up at midnight after he left work. After that, I decided I needed to sleep. I thought I’d get up at 8:30 but

 I  then decided to set the alarm for 10:30 AM. Thankfully my pet sitting 
doesn’t start till the afternoon since she walked her dogs at 7 AM this morning. I decided since I had the free time that I would take care of some errands such as returning stuff and maybe seeing Wes. I 

 ound out Wes wasn’t home. I did however take the 103 bus up to Ardmore and 

 ropped off some stuff. I told a friend at the stuff
 was there and I told her on tinder. Don’t ask me how that happened but anyway, I dropped off successfully except for the little chip that’s in my computer I’ll just nail that. I timed it to the bus came right away and 

 t did on time which was  ery good. I got home and decided to buy food on the way in while I  was on market Street in Upper Darby. On the way back I ran into her and well it was a time to have the 

 iscussion. We had a discussion it was fine it was within normal length of time and cut to the chase.  I decided I needed to eat because I was really hungry I was told I was looking under weight. 

 nyway, I ate a lot and then was going to take a nap but Pat was 

 n the way to West Philly to work so I figured I’d get a ride to 47 Cedar 

 nd get these dogs taken care of and save at least an hour of my time not taking 

 EPTA here. When I arrived, they had made a huge mess and fortunately

 it was in the bathroom so it made it a little bit better but it was still pretty gross. I used all the 

 aterials I had on hand and then I took him to the backyard and now it’s 6:51 PM and I’m just chilling like a 

 illain in the backyard way one of them dinner thing in the other

 and they both like to go up in the back stairs maybe she left them out that way I

 don’t know. The person I’m watching for is driving to Minnesota. 

Can’t really fly  afely due to COVID-19. Speaking of COVID-19 the spikes continue in Florida Texas California

 Georgia, Nevada South Carolina and other ones. Our statistics look horrible 

 ompared to the rest of the world and Europe. On the way back I decided 

 o go to kebab and get some Indian meals and a few refreshments while I was in the neighborhood. And then waited for the 21 bus to come on by to drive me back home.

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