even 20 p.m.. So all my sponsor and we went over divorce
stuff and Pat stuff and taking care of business. I couldn’t go to couldn’t go to
he meeting because I had to go to the doctors for flush out my ears. Well
t the doctors office I was there for an hour and could not get
the wax out so now I got to get drops put in my ears for four days and come back
onday at 3:45 PM. This is the first that I had no success getting the stuff out.
Well I got to work with my clogged up 👂’s. It was a grind but it wasn’t a
erribly hard day since I only saw three people today. And all of them were
good causes so I didn’t have to do any of that carfare crap. It’s pretty sunny the winds
pretty calm and I had a late lunch at 4 o’clock because I was just grinding and grinding and I wasn’t that
hungry.. I just had a applesauce and now I’m going to eat just before leaving. There’s this
men’s group meeting at seven I’m just not sure
f I’m fully up for it. It’s 3 hours and I haven’t seen Wes in a while. Well, President Trump left a closing Hanoi Vietnam empty-handed with no agreement with 🇰🇵 North Korea.
Trump leaves summit empty-handed at tough point in presidency. This article
from the Washington Post illustrates but trumps not such
a great deal maker. Well the Phillies signed Bryce Harper to a 13 year $325 million contract today. It will be the
biggest news story today no doubt. He has a no opt out clause so he will and his career in
Philadelphia one way or another. So the Phillies might be at the team to watch this year.
I did leave and went straight to Fairmount. If Wes was there I was going to blow
ff command thing house on N. Marshall St. He wasn’t there so I decided
o take Uber up to N. Marshall St. It would only take 15 minutes. Doing
t myself to a puppy took 40 minutes. SEPTA is fine but not when I’m
in a hurry and there’s a different time. So went on to about 10:10 PM. It was
ood gathering. I met an old friend there. They were someone I knew from way back.
here’s 4 of us left and I got a ride to 2nd Street. I then zoomed home ate and
atched fortitude again till 1:30 AM. I got to get some real sleep.