Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Tuesday, January 9: AM YOGA Typhoon,☔️ Reiki & Choir

Well, I got up and had to get ready to go to work and try to be on time since

 I’m going to 9 AM yoga class. That’s right I’m going to a 9 AM class cause I rec at the other hours. 

I got the roll in the bed. I got Mike’s after catching a bus for a block that’s what happens sometimes, it’s partly cloudy so the classes about five of us here. Tina got taught a good class is nice 

and brisk. I did struggle a little bit. Tina remembered me going in with Clare way back in March 2019 when I started. He said I’m concentrating 
better and I’m stronger so that’s a plus. 

Anyhow I got out of class decide to have some coffee and then I come out and it’s pouring rain outside and it’s gonna be this way the rest of the day and tonight tomorrow. 

well, I’d stayed in for the rest of the day and did a little lunch and clean up. There was something said by Trump‘s attorney that was absolutely ridiculous. That if a president 

sent Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political opponent with the president be immune from prosecution. The lawyer basically said unless he was impeached by the House 
and removed by the so another words YES, the president can assassinated political opponent. Any court that believes in that should also be removed from office I Think, he’s completely gone delusional. Well, 3:40 PM came

 & and went and I caught the 27 bus in the 33 bus to go up to Fairmount for this

 Rick treatment I’m having. I then realized I forgot to sign out so I have to fill out a paper timesheet

 which is a pain in the ass it’s miserable and rainy, but the bus is mostly 

came on time soI had minimal contact with the rain which is good!  

I made it Enrique in time. I did stop at the Rite Aid and get a juicy but I declined

 the umbrella at first but I went to raking that was very relaxing. It really 

calmed me down which I really needed. So afterwards we talked and then we 

realized that we had wrote on the bus together towards the suburbs because

 she’s living in Westchester back in 2019. And after I did leave and I did go to the Rite Aid to get an umbrella and a sandwich, a Gyro sandwich. Which I’ll 

eat after choir because I know I’m not gonna be moved to cook or do anything

 I might eat it during the end of choir I don’t know, but it was really a 

typhoon fortune I was able to take the Broadstreet line. I got the choir practice unfortunately, I found the seat at the corner near other base 2’s which

 was good. My backpack was pretty moist from the typhoon. My umbrella almost got busted right after I bought it. Practice went very smoothly, and the Director was pretty pleased with our performance. After after

 I left that I walked to Broad and Locust and hopped on the train. That was a good way to

 go home because everything was underground. I got home from the wild, windy, typhoon weather, and did laundry and dried my coat, because my coat was damp. Unfortunately, I did forget to throw my hat in so my hat is still damp.tomorrow I have the cleaning lady coming in at 7 AM 

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