Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, January 11: Work, Haircut and Choir

Greetings boys and girls after sleeping really well I really didn’t want to 

wake up this morning. I was tired and very comfortable sleeping. I like to sleep 

sometimes it’s just one of the things I like to do. Anyhow, 

I did browse myself up to bed, but I got into work pretty late today, and when

 I arrived at work after I used a taxi cab to get there, believe it or not my 

password didn’t work again for my app it just seems to be breaking down the passwords all the time now I don’t know why but who knows but I am able to 

get in, so it’s OK. So  I had a call from the DM medical today and I got big news. I was given permission to get my RSV shot today so I went ahead and contact the 

CVS online and got one done at 11:30 AM which is good then I came back at lunch and Mom’s Meals came in and so did some drinks for Mike.  I brought my Avocado🥑 so we could ripen so I can have it tomorrow. I’m now 

getting ready to sign off since it’s 335 and I have to get a haircut at Sharon’s at 4:30 PM today. I also got more ideas about how to plan for my trip to Costa Rica. 

Tomorrow’s next week is supposed to be the coldest week all winter and I just looked at temperature at Costa Rica which is going to be 90° every day and sunny so that’ll be cool. I finish off 

my workday by charging up my phone a little bit and catching a 32 bus to 

Fairmount. The bus ride went smoothly. The bus showed up on time and I had about 

15 minutes to kill so I decided to go to Pizza Lou Luigi‘s and, this 

new tooth is a pain in the ass cause whenever I eat hard crusty food with particles it 

rubs the wrong way, so I got a problem here anyway I’m just chilling 

out otherwise. Anyhow, I went to Sharon and she’s waiting outside and went 

in for my haircut. She shaved me off nice and smooth. I was 

definitely starting to look like Larry fine for a minute. And then talked about how stiff my 

back was and she recommended a nail place on 21st and Hamilton 

so I went there and got my half hour of chair massage. It felt very nice. I then waited
about 5 to 10 minutes for the 32 bus to come, which will drop me right 

off at Broad and Spruce. Give me plenty of time to get there. Well, I went to 

Spruce Street and I was very fortunate that I was told that it was rehearsal

 at the church. I should’ve known that. But anyway, I was able to grab a folder and head on down to towards the church first, I got two bananas, which

 were easy to eat, and fill me up. Thenwas at 4% power and now I’m up 

to 35% and it’s now 6:56 PM so it’s time for me to make haste to 

the rehearsal 35% battery percentage is plenty enough to get to the concert. I mean the dress or soul and get myself home. I’m not gonna be a position to take much video 

or pictures so it’ll last. Anyhow rehearsals is pretty grueling but it went fairly smoothly as well. My feet are just dead to the world. The

 break really did help. I drank a whole bunch of my electric light electrolytes 

with the water and that helped a lot. I just finished off from super coffee. It was 

sitting around my pocket. As I was walking down 13th St. of 21 just showed up 

so I decided to forgo the L which was supposed to be a little faster , the going to get me to my house at 10:35 PM and probably I won’t get home

 till 10:40 PM or 10:45 PM. While I was sitting here on the bus, I decided to look at some news on one of my news apps. This app is the newspaper in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and this is their top story. A new Chick-fil-A !!!!?!?Are they for real? Anyhow, eventually went to bed, and I had a hard time going to sleep with all discussing tomorrow’s log posting.

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