Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Tuesday, January 2: Returning Rental Car

Good day ladies and gentlemen and clones of all shape sizes creeds, and shapes. It is Tuesday morning but it feels like a Monday morning because my first day 

back since the second half of the holidays ended. I dumped off my rental car and they charged me the $150. It’s sunny but it’s very very cold outside. I wanted to hang 
out at Mike’s, but I couldn’t make the parking meter thing work when you type in the numbers it’s very spastic I should’ve recorded that. Maybe I can just make 

TikTok to me, bitching and moaning, like Lewis Black, and make 

big money ! Anyway, it’s now 9:53 AM and I’m walking to 30th St. to catch the train back. I have to finish 

up yesterday’s blog posting and wait to hear from Mike when he gets

 out of the hospital. My brother Mike you still in the hospital and he’s under anesthesia but they didn’t have enough room to operate or something like that. I called the train back and it was 

really cold outside and I just started feeling a little bit ill and with my nose

. I’ll try it out my throat a bit scratchy so I decided to take a nap and then I 

just when I got from the nap I decided that I was gonna blow off the rest of the day off and try to get myself rested. the thought of going to choir wearing a mask not getting home late 

was just too much for me to bear. After I decided not to go to choir or yoga tonight I decided 
that I would cancel my 9:30 private lesson. The only thing I am going to 

go to is the dentist 📅 Appointment at 11 o’clock today. I’m supposed 

to get my bottom tooth put in today, that’s what I’ll do. This week is going

 to be a very busy week but I think I’m just going to cancel everything except my 

dentist appointment and going to see Mike which is pretty low stress. Costa Rica a week 

and a half away or so

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