Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Wednesday January 3: Dental 🦷 Cleaning and Cold 🥶

🦷 🥶 after a wonderful sleep with a bedtime at 8 PM I got up at 8:30 AM 

and sorry we got dressed and got ready to head out to Mike’s. It’s close to 930 as I can. Well I didn’t do that great so I got to Mike’s 

around 10 AM, but I didn’t care. I’m not doing anything after my work so I’ll just stay till 4:00 PM today. Did a little cleanup at Mike’s and then went on 

over to my dentist appointment where I thought I was getting my tooth put in but they were just trying it on. And ended up being a full scale cleaning 

with cancer screening and fluoride. While they were at it, they noticed my tonsil left tonsil was inflamed, and they found an infection. one of my important teeth for my bridge so they put me on 

amoxicillin. so I went around to vendors looking for diet Pepsi‘s and I decided I’d get myself a Gyro since I’m not doing any yoga today so I can eat a filling meal. It is cold as hell out here. 

This is pretty much with January supposed to be but when it’s 45 to 50 for a 

week and a half straight just not used to it I think that’s why I got 

my cold and that switch temperatures. Fortunately Mary’s not sick but you know getting old these colds tend to last for a couple weeks instead of 

a couple days so I’m trying to defeat, the odds here. I ended up going home and taking my medicine and tried to sleep and it 
was more of a struggle go to sleep last night or today. Much going in for surgery for his tumor his brain tumor tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM. Let’s say our prayers.

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