Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thursday, January 18: Sweatlodge, and Cacao Ceremony

Well after staying up way past my bedtime too to collect on my pictures together I 

woke up at 6:30 AM for Chris foundations class. They’re about six of us there participating. It’s very interesting I not sure I’ll continue with it.   I have trouble hinging my Waist so I end up straining

 my lower back I think. Anyhow, after foundations who had about 20 minutes and then I went to the 8 o’clock 90 minute class. That was pretty good. Chris is always thorough and very funny during class. I again had

 trouble with my balancing stuff, but  it wasn’t bad at all. I love the space I get really hot etc. but there’s so much air it’s really nice. Once we finished class, I took a shower and ate breakfast. It was a breakfast burrito with rice and beans and stuff like that. It was 

very good. I chowed down that thing very quickly and chopped down on about six 

pineapple slices. That was really good.  After that, we learned a little bit about the sweat lodge

 from Alejandro and the owner of the place. It’s going to be a long session it’s from 3 to 6 PM. we were told not to eat between the sweat lodge, and  Cacao Ceremony.   This goes from 7 to 10 PM.  Mary and I went back to our room and I gave her a 

back rub and then crash for about an hour. God did I need that sleep Mary went off and went to the bikini

 place and I woke up and  walked down there and meet her. It’s now 1:15 PM. Well, I met her at 

the bikini place was just not that far from the peace retreat. The lady was really nice. It’s run by a mother and 

daughter, I believe. Anyhow, I returned back and jumped into the pool, and that was really refreshing! 

Mary & I  got ready to go to the sweat lodge ceremony, which was downstairs from the shower area. I could 

definitely write a full log posting about it. Let’s put it this way. It 

was very interesting. They had 4 steps. First step was bringing your attention and that session lasted the longest

 and it was so intensely hot. It made the hot room look mild in parson. We are all cedar around in 

the circle, and we all crawled in clockwise And had our seats and there was eight of us in there. 

The Shamsn Alejandro led the ceremony. His wife and kid would 

come in and deliver stuff through the opening periodically. One of our folks left for time, but came back to the second through fourth session.  it was quite an experience. Anyhow, each time between 

session, each flap would be open on north, south east and west sides of the lodge. The sessions after the first one worked significantly
shorter, and we all sipped water in between sessions. Also a note, 

we sat on rocks, and the women were encouraged where sons are very loose fitting clothing, so that the spirits would cleanse our opening stop vital woman parts. The Cacao Ceremony Started at  7 o’clock 

through 10 o’clock. We got a break in between the two. When the fourth and final session ended we all walked around the fire clockwise and I was definitely out of balance and leaning towards the left. Somebody asked how was it? I said I’ll talk 

to me later. After the short break, we went to the yoga studio, where Kristen & Rob helping the shaman Alejandro set up with the comfortable blankets, yoga mats and pillows. This was a restorative

 conclusion to the sweat lodge. It was called a cowl ceremony. The Cacao  is a chocolate plant. Alejandro gave us his philosophies and 
told us what to expect, etc. you saying vibrations, and we are encouraged 

to to drink the plant fast. He would rave a crystal over there coffee and then that would determine what and how much of the cup would be filled. He filled my 

coffee cup up to the brim twice. It did not taste very good. I was really glad I didn’t eat because it’s a little hard to hold down considering the plant chunks and the last one there was a lot 

of them ground so let’s put it that way. I lied down and I got into it. It was hypnotic, but it had no psychedelic properties which is fine. I was 

not up for alawaska  or anything psychedelic 😵‍💫 session ended around 9:45 PM. We put all the things
 away. Myself and another person went to 

the back area and I didn’t get anything because I don’t drink the fermented stuff. Anyhow, Mary and I split dinner because they didn’t save Mary‘s dinner. Went back 

to my room at around 1122 and at that point, my phone started acting up. It stopped working setting off the emergency services and I didn’t know. That this set off is serious of events,
which will be documented later. Well,
 basically what happened was that when I kept trying to turn the phone on or off or reset, it kept wanting to call emergency services. One time Friday at 4:55 AM. It’s sent mercy message to about 6 to 10 people that on my phone list. I had no idea what was going on when

 it happened. It was just really weird. And ended up my sister called

 meand other people told me they got the message and people concerned I was lost in me middle of a foreign country because usually 

I’m not completely off the grid like I was without my phone in a 

foreign country ever before. I found out when I got my phone. I got screenshots of some of the 

action that happened on my phone. It was actually very bizarre. 

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