Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday, January 14: Off to Costa Rica

Well, after getting about an hour sleep and getting up at 3:45 AM we 

quickly had breakfast with cereal and some coffee and some super coffee. Least I had a super coffee. Next step was to call Uber to drive us to 30th St. That went

 smoothly. Got the 30th St. and the train showed up at time at 5 AM. Then we landed at Philly airport and had 2 1/2 hours to kill and we killed it all right.

left my charger in Philly so we talked this really cool tech lady at this tech place
 they sell sunglasses that are a camera, but I bought this thing that 

accepts USB and USUSB-C cord so she was really knowledgeable. It could charge more than one thing at a time. I managed to find a portable charger that worked

while I was Plus I managed to find a portable charger that worked home. I got to see the concert on the live stream was pretty cool. We flew into
Charlotte and it’s a pretty cool airport with a lot of sunshine. We 

went to potbelly sandwiches and really enjoyed that sandwich. We thought the 

Plane was going to be 20 minutes late. It ended up they 

were on time but we were almost late for the flight..  Hey there, we just lifted off from Charlotte to go to 

Costa Rica. It’s about 5 1/2 hour flight. Mary and I almost missed the 

flight from Charlotte. We were the last two to board after a family of 4. They are very efficient. They just looked at our passport waived it we went in really 

looking forward to this it’s gonna be 90° the whole time and we’re on the Pacific 

Oceanside at Playa Negra. Yes, and we arrived at Costa Rica and there’s a huge ass line to get through through customs

 and it will first immigration then customs. Made the show a passport proof

 of where you’re staying and proof of when you’re leaving and wasn’t 

clearly written to us about that, but I was able to whip out both of the things

 on my phone. What lady was hesitant to me and I just gave him my whole 

pile of emails that were sent over the last two months. She finally just got tired of me and waved me on. After that, we waited 

for about 40 minutes for our caravan shuttle bus caravan, whatever the 

hell it’s called and all of us from the flight got together we all managed to find each other with no problem and the line
 was long but it was very efficient we got to the place and had a quick orientation

 Oh yeah we checked into our cabana and they wanted our credit cards and I and we were thinking we paid for these rooms but they want to keep the credit cards so if we get shit 
you know they’ll have it and then we’ll just use the cash at the end to pay off the money so they told us about that our cabana was fine. It was one of the air condition ones with no bathroom. I thought I was gonna suck because it was gonna be hot as balls but it wasn’t very comfortable, and I was very  
 relieved and I think that’s what we did the first day we signed up for the sweat lodge and the ceremony. Tomorrow morning we have foundation yoga at seven the yoga class at eight and that’s that’s the story and we crashed around 8:45 PM because it was long ass day of traveling and my brain feels like you know I am floating at space but it was good and it was really cool to be nice. Tropical weather, as Philadelphia is set to get its first measurable snowfall, possibly tomorrow and tomorrow is Monday. This is my first overseas trip since the 90s I believe excluding Canada yes I’ve been to Canada bunch of times. Anyhow, that’s it.

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