Monday, January 15, 2024

Monday, January 15: 1st Day in Costa Rica

Well, we got up very early around 6:30 AM to get ready for our 7 o’clock foundation

 class and then after that a quiet meditation time for the 8 AM 90 minute yoga
class that was a big yoga class to you all out there on the 

Internet.. 🛜. The foundations class was really really interesting. It’s really hard for me to describe but I was sent

a video by Chris and I’m gonna put it on. Chris Fluck is an excellent teacher. I’m really glad he is leaving our trip. Anyhow, it’s with setting up your helping your hinging 

on your hips so you don’t use your lower back too much and mess it up. It’s a good compliment to Bikram yoga. It was really interesting Next we did the 90 minute 

class and I was pretty cool. It was warm, but not as warm so I 

could push myself on certain positions, but it was harder to keep my balance

 ans it  already was. Well, after class, we went to Arcana and the lock didn’t 

work and so he asked for help well it was solved when we realize we were trying to 

get into the wrong cabana. We were so hysterical yet embarrassed

 at the same time it was pretty funny. We showed up a little bit late for breakfast, 

but there was food left over. is some good conversations and enjoyed

 the whole week or the vegetarian breakfast with pancakes. After 

that it was time to get ready for the beach took a while to try to decide 

what we wanted to bring to the beach. I have trouble making decisions lately it’s kind of weird so we went to the beach. We ran into other people and they

 came with us  That made it so much easier cause I was afraid we went by ourselves we get ourselves lost cause my brain wasn’t really working too well adjusting

 to the new conditions. There’s a long walk to the beach it’s about a mile and a half and it’s pretty warm out so we got to the beach 

in the water was absolutely beautiful the waves were , really really nice good riding waves. Our bass camp was in the shaded area in the back but we pulled up 

our beach house a little bit closer and water was so mild. It was so nice. Believe it
or not I did pretty well considering I 

didn’t bring any water with me. It was ridiculous how I didn’t bring a backpack but there we are.  I did bring at least the right sandals, so I wouldn’t burn my

feet because the sand was really hot in certain spots and it was fun talking to people. Then walked back the mile happened both Mary and I were a bit gassed after bad experience 
so we came back and had 20 minutes to get ready for the afternoon yoga class I drank a bunch of the warm water cause they said they have no ice cubes and  Got a smoothie 

that hit the spot pretty nicely and then went to the 60 minute yoga class and Mary relaxed and took a shower. In the 60 minute class there was  7 of us and that was 

fine and I’m glad it wasn’t a 90 minute cause that would’ve been really hard, considering all that walking in the sun. Afterwards the foundation class he told us a couple moves, which I forgot the names of , this foundation class was good. It was about 20 minutescause we asked questions and he showed us two positions. He won’t be teaching Yoga tomorrow. Yes I’m talking about Chris here. He’s going on the excursion
We’re not going on the excursion. A couple things I really didn’t want to do that much horseback riding, especially.  so after classwe talked about supersize me and sugar. 

It was an Australian film about sugar. Pure vegetarian Chris likes to have a slab of red meat every softeners interesting talking about diet and stuff. He recommended that he didn’t recommend but suggested he didn’t push it a little

resistance training and that would actually help my balance. Don’t use Jim machines use regular dead weights, so I’ll think about that , I don’t know if I can commit to doing that with the other commitments I have. Anyway, after that got back to my place crashed pretty good. Next thing out is time to eat dinner. I took a nice shower after I crashed and then went to eat dinner. Dinner was as usual very delicious and healthy. After that we went to a fire pit and talk to some people including 

up guy named Mark. He’s totally groovy. He was the first one we told our story about Trying to break in the wrong cabana. He laughed his ass off. We then shared passport stories. He had a really good sense of humor. Meanwhile, Hannah was talking to some woman from New York. We just met and they

 were having our own young woman conversation, and us three were just yakking it up. He’s really cool he said there was going to be , an unsupervised yoga class since Chris is teaching tomorrow. I don’t wanna be cool that will happen in the 
afternoon after the Vinyasa tomorrow morning. Well I will put in the photos later. I finally caught up to my blogging somewhat good night it’s 10:19 PM oh by the way, the Eagles are losing 25 to 9. Tampa Bay and Dallas lost to Green Bay. That’s all I need to know. 

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