Saturday, February 26, 2022

Saturday, February 26: Danny Gets New Home Ukraine 🇺🇦 Invasion

Today’s the day. I got up and prepared that place so Lincoln came over and get the cat equipment out and the cat. I showered and 
had breakfast and put it around the house big time to make sure the cat stuff was ready. We then transported the stuff to the car. And drove
out to the room new home in Wynnewood. Actually it’s in your Cobbs Creek actually I think it’s in Haverford. Anyhow we met the last 

family and your home and it went pretty well I must say we then went over everything they could ever know about the cat.  We finished hanging out and explaining 

about the cat at about 1:45 PM. We got back to Ardmore around 2:00 PM. I did OK but I was caught looking at my 

phone. Overall it went well. That house is immaculate. The guy has

whole movie system with really expensive looking speakers a nice outdoor porch. 
the man of the house . They invited us to come over for dinner. That would be fun. It is well behaved and Danny 

seem to be getting adjusted. Ukrainians have held onto Kiev as of today. It’s now 2:21pm. Well it is 3:00 PM & Will be only after walking about 50 minutes. It’s very nice out though it’s only 38°. Yes it’s down

 almost 4 o’clock we’re going to go to Stoneleigh and take a walk. It’s about a 10 minute drive from here. The place closes at five so I only get to walk an hour. It was difficult to leave the house. We decided

 to do something different go to Stoneleigh. It’s a big house and property pretty close to Villanova university. It’s got some impressive plants and trees. One thing that really intrigued both 
of us was there was a group of graves of people in the Stoneleigh family that

 were pretty young some of them is a youngest eight years old and 15 years old. 

 They all died at different times but very strange. It was a nice walk. It looks even 

better when the weathers a little bit warmer but it wasn’t too bad. 

Well we left after 45 minutes and drove back to her place at the Ardmore house.

 Both of us are a little bit hungry item some yogurt. That really

 got me tired. It’s now about 6:00 PM and I think both of us are going to take 

a nap. The yogurt hit my stomach and now I just want sleep and lie down for a minute. I got 

some pretty good pictures of the place. There are some cool looking trees etc. 

I’m gonna stay the night and eat. I hope it goes well with the new people. 

From what I gather the husband wasn’t really into it like the wife and the two 

kids. But let’s hope for the best. I don’t want to go back-and-forth and 

be a drama filled thing. Anyhow, we took a nap and that was really good Cuz 

I needed it. We then decided to watch a little heartland in order takeout from sweet greens they

 have some pretty tasty meals despite it being salads I mean it’s bad some good stuff. 

I tried to get a hold of Wes on the phone while‘s picking up 

my order but alas he was not answering at the time and he put he did acknowledged
 it to call back. This was about the only good time to call really. We can eat in March heartland and then mellow out I’m gonna stay over 
and it’ll be weird not having the cat in the house that’s for sure! Well the dinner for the sweet greens was very good and we’ve watched two episodes of heartland. It  takes place in Alberta 

Canada. So far the Ukrainians have held onto Kiev as of 10:07 PM tonight. This is a good thing but it’s gonna be tough to keep the capital 
considering Russia’s putting a lot of manpower in to take me over Ukraine.

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