Saturday, May 29, 2021

Saturday, May 29: A Day @ the Beach

After a restless  nights sleep I got up around 9:15 AM. I have

 a bowl cereal some coffee and I got ready to go to the beach. Went to a national Park or regional park they
had a beach on it. We sat there for a little
while and I waited two or three times. This beach was different because it had 

 ocks below. I’ve never experienced beach like that before. We then 

 ame back home and I got to shower grab a bite to eat and work on my Facebook issue with a friend of 

 ine. I used my other email account which I never do recover some kind 

 f code and that was the closest I got to being able to get my FaceTime 

 ccount  it’s not for 11 AM and we’re in the town of Lake Worth. It has art galleries restaurants it’s a nice little downtown 

 trip here. We’re gonna have dinner at 5:30 we’re gonna walk around and
look at the art galleries  and I’m going to 

 et some coffee.  Lake Worth section of Florida. Call 7:25 PM and my battery’s about

 to die till I get to Larry’s car. We walked around for a while and 

 hen we went to a Mediterranean place and we met our friend colleen. We knew each other from a group we are involved with. I haven’t seen 

 er in about 4 years. It was nice to see her and we all had a nice time. The portions are pretty big. I enjoy my meal for sure.She left and we 
 hung out 
 at the coffee shop for a while. Then drove home tour please call looking sunset with a  weird funnel cloud in the sky.  It was quite eerie. I didn’t notice that I can still post on my Facebook page via 

 nstagram. My account active but I’m blocked from it. Stuart couldn’t figure it out so I’m figuring I just got
 to sit and wait until something happens with the

 Facebook mofos. Anyhow, we went back to Larry‘s place and we watched the 48 hours episode

or two. Then 
 eronica and I stayed up fairly late and watch a CNN special in the 70s. We  lso talked about life in Florida

 our friend colleen etc. etc. etc. it was a pretty good day in old Florida. Tomorrow is expected to be a little more humid but more clouds but 

only a 30% chance rain. It was a really nice day out. That’s for sure. I took a bunch of pictures afterwards completely different kind of photo 

 capes out here as compared to Philadelphia New Jersey and Delaware. I am on vacation  but there are symbols  of home on the far away on Facebook is 

 till out of commission. That’s the way goes in the month of May 2021.

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